While most of us identify Italian cuisine solely with the tremendous variety of pizzas and pastas, you might be curious to know that there's a whole lot more to it. There are countless unique meat, fish and vegetable recipes but if you'd like to try those dishes that practically define Italy, it's best to simply learn to make them a different way.
Case in point, lasagna can be made with ingredients other than mince and pizza doesn't always have to have meat in it. A myriad of flavors and vegetables can be added to any traditional Italian pizza or pasta. And now, as an example, let us offer you 3 appetizing fillings for calzones you might not be used to seeing:
Calzone Filling Version 1
Ingredients: 9 oz spinach, 7 oz sterilized tomatoes, 1 garlic clove, 5.5 oz feta cheese, 2 roasted peppers, 1 tbsp olive oil, salt, sugar and basil to taste.
Preparation: Drain the blanched spinach, mash the tomatoes. Chop all the other ingredients and season them to taste. Smear the calzone crust with the tomato mixture and spinach, add the chopped vegetables and crumbled feta cheese. Fold the calzone in 2 and close it.

Calzone Filling Version 2
Ingredients: 25 oz boiled asparagus, 1 garlic clove, 1 can of mushrooms, pizza sauce, 1 tbsp olive oil, 5.5 oz feta cheese, oregano and basil to taste.
Preparation: Cut the asparagus and mushrooms into thin slices, chop the garlic. Smear the calzone crust with the pizza sauce, arrange the vegetables on top, put the feta cheese and desired spices and fold in 2 to form the calzone.
Calzone Filling Version 3
Ingredients: pizza sauce, 1 zucchini, several mushrooms, several olives, 4-5 pieces of mozzarella, basil and oregano to taste.
Preparation: Smear the calzone crust with the tomato sauce, arrange the finely chopped round slices of zucchini, olives and mushrooms on top, then sprinkle with fresh basil and oregano. Place the mozzarella at the very top, then fold the calzone - it's now ready to bake.