»Articles»Useful Advice»14 Misconceptions about Food that Harm us

14 Misconceptions about Food that Harm us

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Have you ever thought that not everything you read or inform yourself about in your surroundings is the absolute truth? It is time to realize that commonly accepted rules and explanations are not always valid. This also fully goes for the food we ingest. Not long ago, scientists debunked some "facts" pertaining to coffee, eggs, bread and how and when we should eat.

Coffee dehydrates!


The #1 misconception imposed on us by pseudo-experts is that coffee dehydrates. Thus far, millions of coffee lovers have tried to limit the doses they intake daily of their favorite drink. The main reason was that coffee has a diuretic action, which leads to the loss of liquids needed by the body. American experts from the Diet Center in Nebraska are positive that coffee has no diuretic action. In fact, the opposite is true - it is healthy because it increases the levels of antioxidants by 4% for the next 2 hours. Of course, you shouldn't drink gallons of coffee per day - limit your intake to 2 cups max.

Eat brown bread!

The dietary rule that brown bread is healthier than white bread was also disproved. The main thing is that plain brown bread has the same glycemic index as white bread. Most of the darker dough products in stores are such only because they have been artificially colored. The solution is to choose pure rye bread or whole wheat, containing 2.2 g fiber per slice.

Eggs raise cholesterol!


One commonly widespread myth is that eggs raise cholesterol. This myth was busted by the American expert Dr. Bruce Griffin, who put volunteers on a low-calorie diet, containing 2 eggs per day. The nutritionist noted that after 12 weeks, the level of cholesterol was not higher in any of the volunteers, in fact, the opposite was true - with weight loss, cholesterol was also lowered. One huge plus for eggs is that they provide a solid feeling of satiety.

Decaf acts like regular coffee!

Up until recently, it was promoted that decaf had the power to awaken and energize the body, even with there only being 5 mg of caffeine found in it. A new study reveals however, that this type of drink is actually more likely to relax the body, rather than awakening it. Results showed that any drink with less than 10 mg of caffeine actually makes us more tired.

Stop eating at night!

This rule is now also obsolete. It was based on the claim that if you eat in the evening later than 8 p.m., your body would be unable to burn the calories because it is in a relaxed state. Studies with monkeys revealed that there was no difference in the body weight of those who ate at night and those who took in their calories in portions during the day. Problems only occur if you eat food outside of your usual menu, or in other words if you eat chips, popcorn, sweets etc.


Drink 8 cups (2 L) of water per day!

This too is not fully correct. No one is denying the fact that drinking the necessary amount of water is important, but it is not mandatory to consume cups upon cups of water just because some nutritionist has stated that it's the only way to maintain firm skin and look fresh. There is no scientific evidence that a lot of water leads to such benefits for the body. Each person can decide for themselves the quantity of the life-giving fluid that they need, depending on the lifestyle, eating habits, weight etc.

Eat low-calorie foods!

According to the latest studies carried out by experts, low-calorie and low fat foods can even cause greater harm. Often these products are filled with sugar, synthetic vitamins and sweeteners and carbohydrate substitutes, whose intake does not provide our body with the crucial fatty acids, found in healthy foods. Low-calorie foods have low nutritional value and are a potential threat to our body's health.
