Fruit beer is a tasty and pleasant refreshing beverage but also a good ingredient for various dishes and desserts.
With fruit beer can be made delicious biscuits.
Ingredients: 200 g butter, 2 cups flour, 100 ml fruit beer, 2 big pinches salt 2 pinches or crystal sugar.

Preparation: In flour, add grated frozen butter. Everything is mixed up into crumbs, add 100 milliliters of fruit beer and mix dough.
Roll out, sprinkle with coarse salt or sugar crystals, cut shapes as desired and bake at 180 degrees until pinking.
An interesting and delicious dessert is sweet soup with beer.
Ingredients: 2 bread slices, 2 cups of fruit beer, 2 eggs, 2 cups of milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar.
Method of preparation: The milk is boiled and you make a mixture of beer, eggs and sugar. Once they boil, remove from heat and serve chilled with croutons made from diced and baked slices.
Pancakes are delicious with fruit beer.
Ingredients 350 g flour, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of liquid cream, 3 cups fruit beer, a pinch of salt.
Preparation: Mix the flour and egg yolks, add 1 cup of beer, salt and cream. Beat well with mixer, add the remaining beer and broken snow eggs. Pancakes are fried in a hot pan with a little oil.

With fruit beer can be made delicious chocolate dessert sauce.
Ingredients 50 g natural chocolate, milk chocolate 50 g, 4 egg yolks, ½ cup sugar, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 cups milk, 1 cup of fruit beer, half a cup of cream, 1 vanilla.
Preparation: Grate the frozen chocolate in a small grater. Yolks with the sugar are broken down to white. Fry flour until cream on a dry pan and add it to the cold egg yolks. Add chocolate.
Mix milk, beer and cream and heat over low heat to 60 degrees.
Milk mixture flows into the chocolate in a thin stream with stirring. Vanilla sauce is heated at low heat to thicken. Serve cold.

Strawberry mousse becomes surprisingly pleasant with fruit beer.
Ingredients 200 g strawberries, 150 g sugar, 30 g gelatin, 10 g citric acid. For the syrup: 50 g strawberries, 150 ml fruit beer, 100 grams of sugar.
Preparation: The strawberries are rubbed through a sieve and left in the fridge. That which is left in the sieve is mixed with some hot water and boiled 5 minutes, then drained. To this decoction is added sugar, previously swollen in cold water gelatin and the whole is heated to reflux, and then removed from the heat.
This infusion is coupled with strawberries out of the refrigerator, cooled to 40 degrees and broken down to form a dense homogeneous mass, which increases its volume two times. Spill into shapes and leave in the fridge to set.
Serve inverted on a plate, topped with syrup. The syrup is made from mashed strawberries, which are soaked with warmed beer, boil for 4 minutes, add sugar and boil everything for 2 minutes.