Everyone knows that one of the most healthy natural foods is the fruit of the olive tree - olives. In addition to being delicious, olives bring many beneficial nutrients to the body.
Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals are among the advantages of the composition of olives. In addition, they do not contain many calories and do not cause excess weight gain, which makes them a suitable component of any type of diet. The fibers in them are good for intestinal health and immunity.
All advocates of the beneficial properties of the fruit of the olive tree emphasize the omega-3 fatty acids contained, which are most concentrated in cold-pressed olive oil. All foods containing omega - 3 fatty acids are very beneficial for heart health, metabolism and the nervous system, according to nutritionists.
An important detail is that omega-3 in olives is perceived as a prevention of some types of cancer, chronic and degenerative diseases that are based on tissue inflammation.
The listed benefits create the impression that olives are extremely healthy and can be consumed in unlimited quantities.
Is such a conclusion correct?
It is true that olives are a healthy food, but the statement that one should not eat too many of them applies to any food. The same applies to olives, and the explanation lies in the way this food is stored. Olives are preserved in brine, which is practically a highly salty liquid.

Thus, the olive itself is highly saturated with salt and the marinade in which it sits before being used. Completely raw and natural olives are almost never available, since this crop is not grown in our country. The processed product, in order to gain a long shelf life, is saturated with salt and this content is shocking in quantity.
One green olive contains about 110 milligrams of salt. Eating olives in one meal, especially if they are combined with other foods saturated with salt, becomes too much for the body. Let's not forget that the recommended dose of sodium for the day is about 2300 milligrams. One meal will immediately exceed the recommended amount for the whole day.
Everyone has some information about the harms of salt. At least we know about the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney and metabolic negative changes and others.
Not only calories are important in food, but also the methods of preparation and storage of food products. Excessive saturation with particularly dangerous components is quite possible with a completely healthy food like olives.
Find out how to pit olives, how to dry olives, and how many calories are in olives.