In the production of low-fat mayonnaise, oil is excluded from its composition, which is relatively harmless and replaced with ingredients that do not always provide our body with useful substances.
The high-calorie full-fat mayonnaise has less chemistry, more milk powder and egg powder, experts say.
It is not healthy to eat mayonnaise if you have increased stomach acidity, allergy to acetic acid and eggs. Mayonnaise is also not recommended for children under the age of five.
Why mayonnaise can be healthy

As for the benefits, mayonnaise can be healthy in many ways, especially when it is of good quality. The base component of regular mayonnaise is oil. It contains vitamins E, F and beta carotene.
The mustard, which is part of the mayonnaise, has essential oils, mineral salts and vitamins B1 and PP, and the egg powder contains vitamins of group B, vitamin A and lecithin.
Lecithin is necessary for the prevention and treatment of diseases related to the disturbed activity of the nervous system. In addition, it strengthens the memory, helps the absorption of vitamins, especially fat-soluble ones.
Lecithin protects the liver from the harmful effects of preservatives, toxins, drugs and alcohol. Vitamins of group B are involved in all cellular processes and vitamin E ensures the normal absorption of oxygen.
Vitamin A helps to neutralize some facts that have a negative impact on the human body. Lack of vitamin A, which is fat-soluble and should only be consumed with oil, olive oil, mayonnaise or cream, leads to hair and skin problems.
What is the best and most healthy mayonnaise

This is mostly because of eggs, which are often an allergen. Naturally, the tastiest and most healthy mayonnaise is the one you make yourself at home.
For homemade mayonnaise, beat 1 room-temperature egg yolk with 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard.
Add salt and ground black pepper and stir with a wooden spoon in one direction. Add 150 ml of olive oil drop by drop, stirring continuously. Once the mixture has thickened, the olive oil can now be added in a thin stream.
When the mayonnaise comes off the sides of the bowl, add 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar and mix. The mayonnaise will turn white and become more watery. This homemade mayonnaise can be refrigerated for up to three days in a tightly sealed jar.
A little history of mayonnaise
There are at least two versions of the invention of the delicacy loved by thousands of people around the world. Both stories are related to the city of Mayon, but refer to different historical events.
According to one of them, in 1757 the besieged city of Mayon had to save itself from starvation and there was nothing but eggs and olive oil. Everyone was eating omelets and eggs in plain sight, but one cook made a delicious sauce from eggs, olive oil and spices.
According to the second, in 1782 there was a great feast on the island of Mayon, where this amazing product was served. It then became popular throughout Europe, where it was called mayonnaise sauce.
See also:
- How to make vegan mayonnaise;