The heart muscle pumps over 7, 000 liters of blood every day. This way, it charges the body with oxygen and supplies it with nutrients. Whether this vital organ will work well depends on the health of the coronary system, blood pressure and the person's lifestyle.
Cardiovascular diseases are an inevitable part of life, but they are also difficult to treat. Therefore, comprehensive prevention is essential. Proper nutrition, cholesterol control and an active lifestyle with heart-healthy habits are the keys to supporting heart health for decades.
Caring for heart health goes through proper nutrition and exercise. It is good not to forget which food groups support the functions of the heart and should be present in the menu. See which ones are the foods and habits for a healthy heart:
Healthy Fats
Because of the risk of atherosclerosis, many people avoid milk and meat and give preference mainly to vegetables. However, the valuable proteins and amino acids for the heart muscle are obtained from lean meat. Chicken, turkey and beef should not be excluded from the diet. The need for it is satisfied by 1/4 of the contents of the plate and the method of heat treatment should include boiling or baking without fatty sauces.
The need for fish oil
The valuable omega-3 fatty acid is supplied by saltwater fish. Omega-3 is important for the elasticity of the heart muscle, removes oxidation and free radicals. Herring, mackerel and tuna protect against atherosclerosis and angina pectoris.
The need for nutritious food
Weight loss diets most often deplete the body's resources. It experiences a deficiency of magnesium, potassium and sodium, which are necessary for the functioning of the heart muscle. Low-fat products, both dairy and meat, grains, fruits and vegetables are the heart-healthy dietary option. Potatoes, white rice and flour keep blood sugar levels high and this harms the heart, so these foods should be limited.
The role of active life
Every muscle needs to be regularly stimulated with exercise. The same goes for the heart. From the movement, the walls of the pericardium strengthen, the heart functions in a normal rhythm. In stressful situations and loads, the heart can withstand sharp amplitudes in pressure.
Active sport is the other panacea for good heart health. Cycling, swimming, outdoor games are good for the heart. This reduces the risk of heart disease as much as 2.5 times.
Maintaining normal weight
Obesity increases the risk of heart problems. It is usually accompanied by atherosclerosis, which blocks the coronary arteries. Accumulation of fat in the abdominal area interferes with the functions of the abdominal organs and therefore puts a heavy strain on the heart.
Blood pressure problems
When blood pressure increases, the arteries narrow, the blood supply to the internal organs is disrupted, which increases the risk of stroke by 50 percent and leads to heart failure. Hypertension requires constant treatment and food is of great importance in reducing blood pressure levels.
Cholesterol Control

Cholesterol levels are very easily corrected with a nutritious diet. Legumes, fresh fruit and vegetables, flax seeds are the food that naturally reduces this dangerous component and pastries, smoked meats, sugar in any form, sausages and fatty meats greatly increase its levels.
Blood sugar control
Asymptomatic prediabetes and type 2 diabetes change the composition of the blood, destroy blood vessels and heart cells. A nutritious diet and an active lifestyle can keep this indicator, which is important for heart health under control.
The fight against stress
Stressful situations at work or in the family triple the risk of heart problems. Managing stressful situations through sports, hobbies, pleasant emotions is key to maintaining heart health.
Foods for a healthy heart
Fresh herbs
Fresh herbs make many other foods heart-healthy by replacing salt, fat and cholesterol. Along with nuts, small pitted fruit provide an effective heart-healthy nutritional diet. Rosemary, sage, thyme and oregano are a good idea for any dish, because of their antioxidant content.
Black bean
Its grains contain heart-healthy nutrients such as folate, antioxidants, magnesium that help lower blood pressure. Also fiber, which controls both cholesterol and blood sugar.
Red wine and resveratrol
Of the alcohols, red wine is a good choice for the heart. It contains resveratrol and catechins, two antioxidants that protect artery walls. Wine stimulates good cholesterol. However, large amounts are harmful to the heart.
One of the heart-healthy foods is salmon. It is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 reduces the risk of heart rhythm abnormalities that can lead to serious heart problems. Salmon reduces triglycerides and inflammation.
Extra virgin olive oil
This oil, made from pressed olives, is especially rich in heart-healthy antioxidants -- these are polyphenols -- as well as healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. It helps lower cholesterol. Polyphenols protect blood vessels.
Just 50 grams of walnuts daily reduces cholesterol and inflammation in the heart arteries. This nut is rich in omega-3, monounsaturated fats and fiber. There are 300 calories in a handful of walnuts, and their oil contains omega-3.
Almonds make a good tandem with vegetables, fish, chicken, desserts and just a handful of them provides you with heart-healthy nutrients. They are rich in vitamin E, plant sterols, fiber and heart-healthy fats. They reduce bad cholesterol and the risk of diabetes.
Edamame (green soybeans)

Edamame contains soy proteins that reduce the level of triglycerides. Half a cup of them contains 9 grams of cholesterol-lowering fiber.
Tofu successfully replaces red meat, giving protein to the heart. Plus, it gets all the fiber, minerals and polyunsaturated fats that are good for it.
Sweet, crunchy vegetables control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Due to the high amounts of soluble fiber, similar to those in oats, they also fight high cholesterol.
Oats, no matter in what form they are consumed, help the heart by reducing bad cholesterol. They satiate well and keeps blood sugar stable, so they are an ideal choice for diabetics.
Foods with sterols
Soy milk and orange juice are ideal options for cholesterol fighters, thanks to their sterols and stanols. These plant extracts block cholesterol from entering the intestinal tract and reduce bad cholesterol by 10 percent without eliminating good cholesterol.
Healthy foods for the heart at the same time have exceptional taste qualities. A whole food diet combined with healthy habits is a guarantee of good heart health. Caring for it through good food and positive experiences guarantees a long life.