»Articles»Useful Advice»Health Benefits of Agave Syrup

Health Benefits of Agave Syrup

Jana G.Jana G.
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Agave Syrup

Agave syrup has recently become increasingly popular among fans of leading a healthy lifestyle. Agave syrup contains many useful substances and is a valuable supplement for people who want to live a healthy life.

It is derived from the Agave plant, which looks like a cactus, which is the main ingredient of a favorite Mexican drink - tequila. In our country agave syrup is served as an aperitif in small cups suitable for the purpose.

It also resembles aloe vera with its fleshy leaves. There are approximately 200 species of Agave, but only a few syrups can be extracted. The nectar is extracted from the core of the agave.

Agave Plantations

The plant was first discovered by the Aztecs and was given the name - a gift from the gods. The color can be light or dark brown, which determines its taste. The lighter syrup has a neutral and less intrusive taste, while the darker one has a more pronounced caramel taste and aroma.

The nectar of this plant has been known since ancient times, and in the past people used it for its pleasant aroma and shortly afterwards discovered its healing properties. They mixed it with salt and made a wound healing compress, which also helped for skin problems. Recent research confirms and proves the positive effect of agave on the skin, especially to eliminate bacteria and purulent wounds.

Agave syrup is valuable, because of the vitamins, minerals and saccharides contained in the leaves of this exotic plant, which are becoming increasingly popular.

Agave syrup in cooking

In cooking it is mostly used in the preparation of pastries, as it is almost 2 times sweeter than sugar. It can be a substitute also for honey, as it dissolves easily in cold and hot drinks. It is recommended for use in raw cakes, because in those undergoing heat treatment, it loses some of its sweetness. It can be used as a topping for waffles, pancakes or creams. Many people prefer agave syrup on ice cream, instead of a topping.

Composition of agave syrup

Agave Syrup Benefits

Agave syrup contains a whole bunch of vitamins. It contains vitamins E, K, A, B, D, as well as many valuable minerals for human health - iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, copper and selenium.

Although it is extremely sweet, it belongs to the group of healthy products, because it has a low glycemic index, which prevents the rapid production of insulin, the inability of the body to process it and obesity, which is the end effect. Carbohydrates found in the plant do not raise blood sugar levels and therefore the syrup is considered a healthy alternative to sugar. It can be used by vegetarians and vegans. It is absorbed and decomposed very quickly by the body.

Agave syrup also contains a mixture of antiglucosides, which are converted into sugars in the body.

Useful properties of agave syrup

Due to its rich content of inulin, it helps people who are struggling with being overweight to lose excess weight and strive for a healthy lifestyle. It reduces the feeling of hunger.

Agave syrup has a good effect on intestinal peristalsis. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and manages to reduce fever.

Due to its soothing properties, agave syrup is suitable for the treatment of various types of neuralgia. It also improves the body's metabolic processes and helps flush excess fluids from the body.

Agave syrup normalizes the activity of the digestive system, promotes faster tissue regeneration and has a good effect on nursing mothers.


Agave syrup helps treat untreated bronchitis. It is also valuable for people who want to lose weight. Agave syrup purifies the body and normalizes the metabolic processes, so it helps fight excess weight.

It works well for menstrual problems.

For people suffering from chronic headaches, the use of agave syrup is recommended. It is recommended to drink agave syrup after work to help you recover from stress at work.

It is used to prevent osteoporosis, because it provides the bones with the necessary amount of calcium and significantly strengthens them.

Agave syrup is a helper in the fight against respiratory infections. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, agave syrup helps to cure cough faster.

The positive effect of nectar in intestinal inflammation and infections has been proven, as well as a significant reduction in the risk of colon cancer when consumed.

Agave syrup is not recommended for people who suffer from problems with bile, kidneys, liver and cystitis!

Agave Syrup Use

Amount of agave syrup per day

The healthy use of agave syrup as a sugar substitute per day is 15-50 g. In fact, 2 tablespoons of the syrup is equal to 100 g of sugar, but contains 2 times fewer calories than sucrose, which proves once again how healthy it is as a sweet substitute.

Do not intake it in large quantities at once!

See our delicious suggestions for recipes for diabetics, dietary sweets or protein pancakes, where you can use agave syrup as a sweetener.



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