»Tips»How Muh Apple Juie an We rink Per ay?

How Muh Apple Juie an We rink Per ay?

Viktoria NeikovaViktoria Neikova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
How Muh Apple Juie an We rink Per ay?

Apple juie is a eliious an refreshing rink that is often pereive as a healthy alternative to soas an sugary rinks.

It is rih in vitamins, minerals an antioiants that support the immune system an overall health. However, how muh apple juie an we rink per ay without harming the oy is a question that eserves attention.

Eessive onsumption of this otherwise healthy juie an have some negative onsequenes that shoul e taken into aount.

enefits of apple juie

Apple juie ontains many enefiial sustanes suh as vitamin , potassium an various antioiants. Vitamin helps maintain a healthy immune system, while potassium supports the proper funtioning of the heart an musles. Antioiants in apples, suh as queretin, are assoiate with reuing the risk of hroni iseases an improving heart health. Apple juie an also have a hyrating effet an ai igestion ue to its fier ontent.

How muh apple juie an we rink per ay

espite the enefits, eessive onsumption of apple juie an lea to some health prolems. One of the main negatives is the high sugar ontent - even natural apple juie ontains frutose, whih, in large quantities, an inrease the risk of metaoli prolems suh as insulin resistane an weight gain.

In aition, the lak of fier in the juie (ompare to a whole apple) means that the sugars are quikly asore y the oy, whih an lea to spikes in loo sugar levels. This is espeially important for people with iaetes or at risk of eveloping this isease.

Reommene aily ose of apple juie

Eperts reommen onsuming fruit juies, inluing apple juie, in moeration. For aults, the usual reommenation is aout 15 to 4 ml (one glass) of apple juie per ay. This ose provies the neessary vitamins an minerals without leaing to eessive sugar intake. For hilren, the reommenation is lower – etween 1 an 18 ml per ay, epening on age. It is important to note that it is est to hoose natural an unproesse apple juie without ae sugar or other aitives.

Rea more: is apple ier vinegar harmful, as well as how to make apple petin.



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