Cappuccino is one of the most famous Italian drinks. It is prepared from coffee and milk. According to true connoisseurs, a cappuccino should contain 25 ml of espresso and 125 ml of cold milk that has been whipped into steam - during this process, the milk is heated from 4°C to as much as 55°C.
The milk for a good cappuccino must be cow's milk, fresh and it needs to have about 3.5% fat content. The milk for the cappuccino is whipped in a suitable stainless steel container so that there are no impurities from any other aromas. These are generally the most important rules for making a cappuccino. See also how to prepare it step by step: Make 1/2 cup hot espresso. Pour it into a wider glass so that it occupies about a quarter of its volume.
Heat 1/2 cup milk and pour it inside. Stir well. Another half cup of milk is heated through the steam attachment of the coffee machine, until it foams and becomes thick like cream.
Pour the resulting cream over the coffee. You can even try to make some kind of shape - heart, leaf or other. If desired, sprinkle with a little cinnamon and serve immediately. Cappuccino should be drunk immediately, before the foam has subsided.
If you like to drink coffee, definitely try one of these:
- or make your own homemade Turkish coffee.