»Tips»How Does Pumpkin Affect Constipation?

How Does Pumpkin Affect Constipation?

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
How Does Pumpkin Affect Constipation?

Constipation is a very unpleasant problem. There are a lot of medicines and old remedies to deal with it. Today, however, we will talk about whether pumpkin is good for constipation and whether it successfully deals with the problem.

Pumpkin helps with many health problems. It contains all the vitamins from group B, C, E, PP and T, which are rare and help speed up the metabolism.

Pumpkin also contains vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting. Due to its low calorie content, pumpkin is recommended in any diet. It is easily absorbed by the body, which means that it can be eaten by the elderly.

It also contains a large amount of pectin, which has the power to cleanse our intestines and rid the body of accumulated radionuclides. Pumpkin is recommended for people who have intestinal diseases, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, colitis or gastritis.

It should be eaten roasted, not boiled. Pumpkin seeds have laxative properties.

Constipation is a condition in which the intestines make only three movements a week. Also, these movements are painful. There are many causes of constipation, but a diet that is low in fiber is the biggest culprit for constipation.

Pumpkin has a certain amount of fiber, so it can be said that it helps with constipation. Depending on the type of pumpkin, the fiber content may be different. In 1 cup of pumpkin, which is canned and unsalted contains about 7 grams of fiber. When deciding to include pumpkin in your diet, you need to be careful.

Pumpkin puree, which is canned and unsalted, has 83 calories, 20 grams of carbohydrates. If you have constipation, you can include pumpkin in your diet in the form of soups, or make a roasted pumpkin. You can add canned pumpkin to your breakfast cereal, oatmeal and more.



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