»Articles»Curiosities»How Does the Weather Affect our Eating Habits?

How Does the Weather Affect our Eating Habits?

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Famiy Dinner

Many of you might have noticed that you tend to eat more during the winter months. Our menu often includes fatty cheeses, meat dishes with spices, plenty of dough products, hot stews and soups.

In contrast, during summer we somehow manage to fool our appetite with juices, fresh green salads and other light dishes. But all of this has a scientific explanation, stresses Foodpanda.

It looks like our appetite is closely related to the climate and in actuality what we put on our plate greatly depends on the changes in the weather. According to experts, warm weather suppresses our ravenous hunger since our body needs something to help cool it under those conditions.

The opposite has also been observed - our body needs a ton more calories in colder weather to contribute to the adequate functioning of all our organs and from there to manage to preserve our body temperature within normal range.

That's why it's no wonder at all that we reach for the warmer and meatier dishes during the winter months. Experts report another curious find.

It turns out that the warm foods we consume with the intention of warming ourselves are absorbed faster by our bodies, which is why they can't keep us full very long. For this same reason we eat at shorter intervals during winter and put on more pounds.

Winter Menu

That is why experts recommend we eat foods of varying temperature, but not at the same time of course. Simply, 30 min. after you've eaten warm food, switch over to fresh vegetables, whose temperature is a bit lower.

Another option is to drink a glass of cool water. Avoid having beverages of much lower temperature immediately after warm dishes in order not to have stomach problems.

Experts also give us advice on eating during warm days. When the weather is hot, drink large amounts of juice to hydrate yourself sufficiently. During cold and dry weather, be sure to provide yourself an abundant intake of proteins.
