»Tips»How to Easily Squeeze a Lemon?

How to Easily Squeeze a Lemon?

Yordanka KovachevaYordanka Kovacheva
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
How to Easily Squeeze a Lemon?

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is incredibly healthy, taken as a drink - diluted and in combination with other fruit or vegetable juices. It is also widely used in cooking and confectionery.

There are a few easy tricks to get the maximum amount of lemon juice and to squeeze it quickly, accurately and seamlessly.

If you do not have a household appliance to make this task easier for you, then you can do it more than well by hand, if you preheat the lemon a little. This can be done by putting it in heated water, but never boiling or too hot, from which steam will come out.

Put it in the bowl for 30 seconds to a minute and you will be able to feel, that it is warm to the touch.

You can successfully do this with a microwave oven, at low power and for 10-20 seconds.

Due to the slight warming, the citrus membranes relax and pop easily when squeezed, which makes it incredibly easy for us.

It has an even better effect if you freeze the lemon and then heat it directly in the microwave for 30-60 seconds. This sudden change in temperature will directly break the citrus membranes and the squeezing process becomes even faster, easier and you will get the optimal amount of juice.

For the correct squeezing of the lemon, it is important how you cut it. Contrary to the common practice of cutting it in half crosswise, it turns out that in fact the better option is to cut it lengthwise.

This is followed by piercing it with a fork, during which the fine skin is torn and the juice is separated to the last valuable drop.

If you still want to cut it crosswise, use a spoon by sticking it inside and turning it.

Some people claim that it is easier for them to cut it into pieces and squeeze each one individually. It is not a bad practice and that way you will also get the optimal amount of juice.

But what should we do, if we do not need all of it, but only a few drops?

In this position, press the lemon with your palm on a hard flat surface, by rolling it back and forth at the same time. This will lead to softening and immediate rupture of the membranes. You should make a deep slit, just a small slit and squeeze as many drops as you need. Store the rest in the refrigerator until the next use.

Choose the option that is most convenient for you and share your other tricks.



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