

Looking for information on Overweight? Check out our latest articles on Overweight.
Am I Overweight?Am I Overweight?
22 Aug.
Overweight is with an index between 25 and 29.9, and then obesity I, II and III degrees begin....
Walking Fights Unhealthy Food CravingsWalking Fights Unhealthy Food Cravings
08 Apr.
For their study, the scientists analyzed 47 overweight people, their average age being 28....
How Antibiotics Lead to ObesityHow Antibiotics Lead to Obesity
07 Oct.
Reveal new opportunities to your kids and never nag them if they are overweight because this can only make things worse, warn experts....
Eating Raisins 3 Times a Week Lowers Blood PressureEating Raisins 3 Times a Week Lowers Blood Pressure
15 May
Arturo Figueroa from Florida State University has discovered that watermelon extract can lower pressure on the aorta and heart in overweight people even in cold weather....
Burgers ruin your liverBurgers ruin your liver
07 Jan.
All were not overweight, and in good health. They had to eat in fast food restaurant chains twice a day for four weeks and reduce their physical activity....
Your Heart Loves VegetarianismYour Heart Loves Vegetarianism
16 Feb.
Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that vegetarians have much lower levels of cholesterol, lower blood pressure and less of them are overweight....
Fruit and Vegetable Juices - Doses, Composition and BenefitsFruit and Vegetable Juices - Doses, Composition and Benefits
16 Nov.
Tomato juice Tomato juice is very good for pregnant and lactating women and overweight people can consume it freely, because it is low in calories....
Eat Grapefruit for Beautiful Skin and a Thin WaistlineEat Grapefruit for Beautiful Skin and a Thin Waistline
19 May
Some people eat 1 grapefruit a day to lower their overall cholesterol and LDL; - Weight loss - it helps people who are overweight; - For preventing cancer; - Muscle fatigue; - Stimulating hair growth; -...
3 Ways to Cook Beans3 Ways to Cook Beans
23 Jan.
If you have already soaked the beans overnight, it is time to place them in a pot with plenty of water and to turn on the stove....
Overcome Obesity with 1 Green Apple a DayOvercome Obesity with 1 Green Apple a Day
03 Oct.
Some of the rodents were overweight, while others were not, according to the information. The stool of both groups of mice were highly similar....
Foods Rich in Slow CarbohydratesFoods Rich in Slow Carbohydrates
17 Oct.
Nutritionists recommend that people suffering from overweight, diabetes and digestive problems should eat slow carbs. This should become a routine for them....
Where Are Slow Carbohydrates Found?Where Are Slow Carbohydrates Found?
21 Nov.
Dietitians recommend them as an alternative for people with digestive problems, diabetics and overweight people....
Why are Americans Fat?Why are Americans Fat?
19 Nov.
Statistical data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that in less than 2 decades, 32 million Americans will be overweight....
Coca-Cola and Pepsi Reduce the Amount of Sugar in Their SodasCoca-Cola and Pepsi Reduce the Amount of Sugar in Their Sodas
17 Oct.
In Western Europe, the highest statistics of overweight people were seen in the British. The study showed that each French person consumed 17 gal (65 L) of soft drinks per year....
Two Toxic Foods We Must Not EatTwo Toxic Foods We Must Not Eat
16 Sept.
White sugar is one of the main culprits for weight gain and being overweight. The excessive consumption of white sugar also leads to diabetes....
Diets Make us Twice as SadDiets Make us Twice as Sad
19 Aug.
The research of the University College London was carried out with the participation of 2000 people who were overweight. All of the participants were over 50 years of age....