Most people think that dark chocolate is a very good solution for healthy eating. From this chocolate we can get many valuable microelements, as well as overcome depression with its help, and also increase the hormone of happiness.
Is this true, however? However, how can we be sure that natural dark chocolate has not been processed many times and the valuable ingredients contained in the cocoa beans from which the chocolate is made have not been irretrievably lost?
Cocoa is the raw material from which our favorite chocolate is made. It is a seed that has not been treated, which is a famous superfood that offers many antioxidants and important vitamins and minerals. The main product from which natural dark chocolate is made are cocoa beans, which can be between 40 and 60 in a pod and are harvested from the branches of the cocoa tree.
After being carefully opened from the pods, the beans are pulled out and then left to ferment and dry for 1 to 2 weeks. In order to make the chocolate that we all love, the beans are subjected to heat treatment - they are roasted at a very high temperature. However, this treatment kills almost all the beneficial properties and ingredients of the cocoa beans. The only thing that remains is their aroma.
Now that we have looked at how chocolate is made, let's see what the beneficial properties of raw cocoa beans are.

1. Raw cocoa beans have four times more antioxidants than industrial chocolates, 20 times more than blueberries and over 100 times more than bananas;
2. It has been scientifically proven that cocoa beans contain specific molecules that affect happiness and feelings of euphoria;
3. Cocoa beans act as an aphrodisiac - Another compound that increases mood and is called phenylethylamine, which is also contained in cocoa beans. It causes feelings of intoxication that reduce the perception of pain. Such substances are also released in our brain when we fall in love;
3. One benefit that only women feel is that thanks to cocoa beans, our hormones are balanced during the so-called "those days" and help to avoid the negative consequences of premenstrual syndrome. Raw cocoa beans increase the level of serotonin in our brain. When you have premenstrual syndrome, you often want to eat something sweet. We recommend that you do not accumulate excess calories from eating chocolate, but replace it with raw cocoa beans;
4. Cocoa beans protect the heart from cardiovascular diseases. Flavanols, which are contained in cocoa beans, have an anti-inflammatory effect. Antioxidants protect you from cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of stroke and improve blood circulation because they lower bad cholesterol levels and help against hardening of the arteries;
5. At the University of California, scientists have discovered that cocoa can thin the blood and has the power to prevent blood clots. This discovery shows that eating raw cocoa beans can be very useful for thinning the blood - like aspirin;
6. Cocoa beans help in the fight against premature aging - The polyphenols and antioxidants contained in cocoa beans are in the same group as the antioxidants in green tea and red wine. These antioxidants protect cells from premature oxidation or destruction and thus preserve a youthful appearance for longer;

7. Cocoa beans help in the fight against excess weight and suppress appetite. If you drink a cup of hot cocoa before a meal, it will help you lose weight and reduce your appetite;
8. Cocoa beans contain magnesium, which will protect you from osteoporosis, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and lower blood pressure. Magnesium helps fight muscle cramps and is recommended for pregnant women to calm contractions and prevent miscarriage. Raw cocoa powder / 2 tsp. / contains 53 mg of magnesium or 65% of the daily dose;
9. Cocoa beans are rich in sulfur, which helps us have shiny hair, healthy nails, and support the functioning of the liver and pancreas;
10. Cocoa beans help lower blood pressure in a completely natural way. There is a study in which elderly men took cocoa beans every night in small doses. They had high blood pressure and cocoa helped them lower it;
11. Cocoa beans reduce insulin resistance in people with impaired glucose tolerance and smokers because they have antioxidant properties;
12. Cocoa beans significantly improve kidney function. They support intestinal function. If you do not get enough antioxidants through the food you consume, very dangerous and long-term consequences for your body may occur. For this, you should consume cocoa for 2 weeks and you will reduce the levels of the hormone responsible for stress - cortisol;
13. Cocoa beans protect against sunburn - According to a study conducted in London, participants who consumed 20 grams of cocoa per day for 12 weeks were able to stay in the sun twice as long as those who consumed less;
14. Cocoa beans fight skin cancer - Scientists from Germany have found that cocoa has the power to fight ultraviolet rays that cause skin cancer;

15. Cocoa beans help us have soft and smooth skin. One study showed that women who drank cocoa with at least 326 mg of flavonoids daily had much better skin structure. It improves microcirculation, increases oxygen saturation and improves skin hydration, compared to those who did not drink cocoa;
16. Cocoa beans help prevent cavities - In studies conducted by scientists at Tulane University, they found that cocoa powder extract is more effective than fluoride in preventing cavities. This extract, which is similar to caffeine, helps harden tooth enamel;
17. Cocoa beans help relieve coughs - Theobromine, which is contained in them, helps relieve severe coughs;
18. Cocoa beans protect against Alzheimer's and improve cognitive function - According to a study, middle-aged people who drank two cups of cocoa a day improved their memory and increased blood flow to the brain;
19. Cocoa beans improve digestion because they contain fiber, which supports digestive enzymes in the body;
20. Cocoa beans are a source of healthy fats - Our bodies need fats. They are helpers that help with growth, our immune system and improve metabolic functions. The healthy fats found in cocoa beans are very similar to the monounsaturated fats found in olive oil.
If you decide to grind raw cocoa beans, be sure to check out our suggestions for where you can use them;
See also what to do with raw cocoa beans.