Our daily menu usually includes fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, and among them there are many rich in fast-absorbing and fast-digesting carbohydrates.
Bread, potatoes, white rice are foods that we consume daily without thinking that they contain sugars with a short satiety effect that quickly raise blood sugar levels.
Along with them, there are many other products that are at the other spectrum, they have slow-digesting sugars. After consuming them, there are no sudden spikes in sugar levels and we say they are low glycemic index. Dietitians recommend them as an alternative for people with digestive problems, diabetics and overweight people.
The acquisition of slow carbohydrates is a necessity for those suffering from disorders in the digestive system, as well as for those with diabetes, but it is also recommended for all who rely on healthy eating as a prevention against various diseases.
Getting slow carbohydrates through food is not difficult, they are found in a number of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, as well as dairy products.
Among the fruits with a low glycemic index, cherries can be distinguished. Plums, especially dried, are also an excellent source of slow sugars. Grapes, kiwifruit and peach are very reliable source of fiber that support the functions of the digestive tract and create the feeling of satiety needed to reduce calorie intake.

From vegetables, slow carbohydrates can be obtained from peas, carrots, eggplants, broccoli, red peppers, onions, lettuce, red potatoes.
Cereals also offer low glycemic index meal options. Brown rice, oats, and rye are forgotten foods that can successfully replace white grains.
Dairy foods with slow carbohydrates are a real possibility, but they contain saturated fat and this neutralizes their beneficial effect. Skimmed milk and dairy products without added artificial sugars or sweeteners are a good option. For the plant-based food lovers, an option is products like soy milk.
Food with slow carbohydrates is prepared quickly, is tasty, satiates well, but its disadvantage is uniformity, and wide limits in portions can provoke improper nutrition in those inexperienced in dieting.