Fancy Fruit Cake

last modified:
Fancy Fruit Cake
I made it
60 min.
20 min.
80 min.
16 pieces
"A cake that`ll make you believe in culinary wonders."


  • cake layers - 3 packs, ready - made
  • milk - 4 1/5 cups (1 liter)
  • butter - 1 cup (250 g)
  • sugar - 1 1/2 cups
  • eggs - 6 egg yolks and 2 egg whites
  • flour - 4 tablespoons
  • gelatin - packet
  • compote - 1, of bright fruits
  • vanilla - 1
  • fruits - by choice, for decoration
  • nuts - for decoration
  • for the syrup
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • water - 1 cup
  • vanilla - 1

How to make

The cake layers can be combined light with brown, or just one type – there are 3 per package. Heat the milk with 1 1/2 cups of sugar until the sugar melts.

Beat the egg yolks and whites with the flour to homogeneity and pour in the milk in a trickle, while stirring. Add the vanilla and boil again until the cream thickens and becomes smooth. I make this in the microwave to avoid burning on the bottom of the container, while opening the door from time to time to stir it.

Allow it to cool, stirring occasionally, for the cream not to form a crust. In the meantime, beat the softened butter in a separate container. When the cream reaches a temperature of approximately 98.5 °F, pour it into the butter slowly under vigorous stirring and taking care not to have it curdle.

Soak the gelatin in a little water and allow it to swell. Put it in a container with water and melt it in a water bath without boiling. Add the compote juice and leave it in a cool area to set. The freezer works well for this purpose. Be sure to stir occasionally. When it begins to tighten, remove it.

Boil the syrup, keeping it hot. Prepare the fruits for decoration. Cut one layer, which will be at the top, into a 1/2″ (1.5 cm) wide frame, and remove the inner part. This will serve as a border along the edge of the cake, to prevent the gelatin from pouring out.

Arrange the layers, covering them with syrup and cream. Smear the last cake layer very thinly, to serve as a backdrop and then stick on the frame.

Decorate with fruits and gelatin. The gelatin will be a little too much, so you can use it for something else. On the side, smear the cake with the remaining cream and decorate it with nuts, as desired.

The team thanks rainbow_katya for the wonderful recipe and original photo!


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