»Articles»Cooking Tips & Tricks»Culinary Traditions in South Africa

Culinary Traditions in South Africa

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South African cuisine is cleverly called rainbow cuisine since the food in that region is a blend of all kinds of influences and cultures. In order to peek into the local cuisine, a person must first understand the differences between the people inhabiting the area.

African cuisine represents the mixture of cultures and colonial influences, trade routes and history. Africa is a huge continent - of waterless deserts, subtropical humid plains and jungles. The exotic environment, fused with longstanding colonial traditions, form the essence of the local cuisine.

The country offers an abundance of wonderful restaurants that will present you anything from skillfully prepared local seafood delicacies to a myriad of international dishes. Without a doubt, one of the finest riches of South African cuisine are the deliciously cooked seafood delicacies that encompass a wide palette of fish and other seafood.

Favorites include mussels, sauteed fish, octopus or fish on the grill and many other seafood temptations. South Africans also love their barbecue - they make various meat goodies, among which are spicy sausage and kebab, seasoned with curry.


To get the full satisfaction of excellently prepared meat, locals love to drink beer. The nation is also known for its wine production and some of the finest wines in the world.

Exceptionally popular meat dishes in South Africa are sausages made from veal or pork, as well as the so-called sosaties - lamb meat with spices on skewers. Sosaties are usually barbecued and served with sauce and local crunchy biscuits.

Other local favorites are chicken and ostrich meat. Then we have frikkadels - small hamburgers seasoned with nutmeg that are often served wrapped in cabbage leaves.

South African food

Bredies is the term for the South African version of the stew, prepared with varied combinations of vegetables and meat, usually named after the main plant product in their composition.

Another well-renowned South African specialty is Potjiekos. Literally translated, potjiekos means small pot food and consists of a stew cooked outdoors in cast iron containers, traditional for South Africa. The traditional recipe includes different kinds of meat, veggies, rice or potatoes.

And here are some more South African recipes: South African corn snacks, eggplant with chickpeas and lime, mackerel skewers with bacon, avocado with eggs in the oven, breaded pineapple, South African ugo drink, chocolate dream.


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