Energy drinks and refreshing drinks, which give the body a quick supply of energy. In a busy lifestyle, people often reach the limits of their power or feel sleepiness. In such cases, many of us resort to energy drinks as an alternative to coffee.
Few of us, however, are aware of the composition and ultimately influence of these stimulants on the body. It is important to know that the amount of caffeine in a can of energy tonic is about the same as 1 cup coffee. Unlike coffee, however, energy drinks also contain taurine and several substances that tone the nervous system and are involved in energy transfer and directing energy.
However, as a speed bump to the massive advertising campaign of energy drinks, there are frequent findings on the dangers of consumption. The apparent lack of research and regulation in energy drinks, high consumption and the presence of more widespread cases of toxicity are actually a serious health risk to children and adolescents.
There are countries that have already banned the consumption of energy drinks. These include Norway, Denmark and France, which banned the sale of some of the most popular energy drinks. This decision parties, pillars of the EU was taken after study with rats. Rodents were given the drink and they exhibited strange behavior, expressed in increased anxiety and a tendency to self-harm.
Energy drinks often advertise as being used by athletes. Scientists have shown that depending on the way caffeine and some other ingredients affect the body, these tonics involve the risk of serious dehydration of the body.
In the U.S. these drinks are classified as dietary supplements. This avoids the question by the FDA on the limit for caffeine content of about 355 ml in soft drinks. Extremely rarely is an energizing drink accompanied by a leaflet and instructions for use, which is essential. Of course, avoiding safety tests that are mandatory for medicinal products gives them free reign.
However energizing drinks have their advantages. Although the composition is somewhat diffuse, they activate brain activity and vitamin-carb types are important for active professionals in fitness.

Composition of energy drinks
In an average serving of energy drink, you can detect 1/4 cup sugar, and more caffeine than a cup of strong coffee. Many of these energizing tonics contain even up to 400 mg pure caffeine. These stimulants come with unannounced quantities of ingredients such as guarana seeds, of Cola (cola nuts), yerba mate and cocoa. In most cases, the caffeine content in popular brands is between 80-160 mg.
These refreshing drinks are not accompanied by a leaflet for use, although it is necessary. There is no available information on drug interactions, dosage dependencies. At the same time, some ingredients such as 5-Hydroxytryptophan, vinprotsetin, johimbine and ginseng have the potential for interactions with drugs that can lead to fatalities. Energy drinks often contain additional substances that have hidden potential hazards in combination with caffeine and other drugs.
It is clear that caffeine stimulates the central nervous system. It has the ability to reduce feelings of sleepiness and sharpens concentration and attention. Theobromine is known to be a weak stimulant of the central nervous system and heart. It has the ability to dilate blood vessels by relaxing the smooth muscle in the walls, and extends the life of some catabolic hormones.
Recommended doses for consumption of energy drinks
Recommended maximum caffeine intake of 2.5 mg/kg in children and 100 mg/kg in adolescents.
People who are not athletes should not drink more than one energy drink a day. Never mix it with alcohol. You should drink plenty of water after the workout. People with high blood pressure are strongly discouraged to consume energy drinks. Those of you who have any health problems should consult their doctor before consuming this drink.
Benefits of Energy Drinks
The benefits of energy drinks are associated only with temporary stimulation of the nervous system as a substitute for coffee. Consumed during the day in moderate doses, energy drinks refresh harder and longer than 1 cup coffee. Additionally, they have the ability to activate the digestive system and insulin.
Adopted in reasonable quantities, energy drinks can increase concentration and improve responses. With intensive physical training, fatigue and stress they recover the body. They also enhance mental performance by stimulating the central nervous system. In the final result, they can improve mood and tone by delivering the body vitamins, minerals and energy.

Dangers of energy drinks
Mixing energy drinks with hard alcohol can be detrimental to heart, health experts are clear. It is not excluded to experience sudden death, the lightest option is to just get into toxicology for 2-3 days. Of course, this is not uncommon for people to drink 2-3 glasses of whiskey with 2-3 energy drinks - something that is even overdoing the alcohol.
Shortly after the boom in consumption, the drinks began to produce frequent cases of poisoning from their toxic combination with alcohol. Headlines such as "energy drinks block brain and heart " "Energy drinks make children fat, " "Energy drinks lead to alcoholism, "" Energy drinks can kill you", have become more powerful and have limited the somewhat indiscriminate consumption of these liquids.
Some medical studies of physically active young adults show that these drinks can lead to increased blood pressure and heart rates. Fortunately, more serious effects such as heart attack, seizures or deaths are rare, which is not in favor of energy drinks anyway.
The excessive consumption of energy drinks leads to very unpleasant situations, because sometimes high levels of caffeine, guarana, ginseng and taurine can cause mania, seizures, fainting and even death. These drinks should never be consumed by pregnant women as it can cause serious harm to the fetus.
There are numerous reported cases of excessive consumption of energy drinks being associated with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rhabdomyolysis, tachycardia, cardiac dysrhythmia, hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure, respiratory disorders, agitation, confusion, seizures, psychotic conditions, and even death. For adolescents, caffeine in energy drinks can interfere with bone mineralization during the period of skeletal development.