Guarana /Paulinia cupana/ is an evergreen creeper that bears small red berries that give your body and mind energy. This plant is found in the Amazon rainforest in South America, but is most common in Brazil. The plant is characterized by large leaves and beautiful flower bouquets.
In recent years, guarana caused serious interest worldwide. This interest was prompted by its red berries, which are the size of coffee beans. Each fruit incorporates a seed that strongly resembles the eye before you peel it completely and then started skinning it like a hazelnut.

History of Guarana
History of Guarana is very long and lost somewhere in the myth of the culture of the Tupi and Guarani tribes who inhabited the jungles of the Amazon. According to legend, one of the local deities killed its tribe’s loved child.
Another deity was more friendly to the long extinct tribe planted the eyes of the murdered child - one eye in the village and the other in the jungle. Thus appeared the farmed and wild forms of guarana. Indians dry the guarana seeds and mix them with flour and water, to produce a texture resembling doughy pasta mixture and put it to dry in special forms.
The world learned of guarana thanks to Dr. Luis Pereira Barrett of Rio de Janeiro. In the early 20th century, he built a plant from which the extract of guarana initiated the world's first medical drink and after about 15 years Guarana Antarctica champagne appears. Nowadays Guarana successfully competes with Coca-Cola.
Composition of guarana
Each seed of Guarana contains up to five times more caffeine than a coffee bean of the same size. For comparison, the caffeine in coffee is 2%, while guaranta reaches 6-7%. The seed and guarana extract are very rich in xanthines, including theophylline, caffeine and theobromine. Guarana is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids.
The composition also includes guar gum, protein, tannin, fat, starch, amino acids, adenine and guanine, calcium, sodium, magnesium and vitamin B1. Tannins contained in Guarana are found in certain types of wine, and it gives a nice woody flavor to the drink.
Application of guarana
Guarana can be found in the form of supplements, enters into the composition of different energy drinks. Based on extracts of guarana candies, chocolate, tea, toothpaste and many supplements are produced. Guarana is used as a natural insecticide for protecting plant pests and other insects.

Benefits of Guarana
It is believed that guarana is a natural source of energy, we can use it as a kind of human charger. Guarana is great for nourishing the brain.
Products with guarana provide energy required for these processes. Guarana improves memory, has an overall tonic effect on the body and mind, helps to overcome fatigue and exhaustion. Also accelerates blood circulation and reduces the risk of lung disease.
Guarana stimulates lipolysis - the process of burning fat. Therefore it is ideal for people who follow a diet and exercise actively. Extract of guarana does not irritate the stomach and is easily tolerated by the body. The process of absorption of substances in Guarana is gradual.
After taking guarana, you will for a long time not be feeling fatigue and tiredness but that does not strain the heart. A big advantage of guarana has to coffee is that its consumption does not need a monitored heart rate, which is often found in drinking coffee. There is a claim that it has not yet been fully proven that guarana acts as a natural aphrodisiac.
Guarana has a favorable effect on the circulatory system, improving circulation. Helps to reduce headaches, severe migraines and premenstrual pain. The antioxidants and flavonoids in guarana slow the processes of aging in cells. Active substances in guarana improve renal circulation.
Daily doses of Guarana
Despite its countless qualities, Guarana should not be taken in large quantities. The marked safe dose ranges in different countries, so this is considered a 150 to 450 mg daily.
Furthermore, a pure extract of guarana should be taken very carefully, because it can increase the burning of personal energy. Guarana should not be taken by pregnant women or nursing mothers. It should not be consumed with anesthetics and antidepressants. Not recommended is taking it when taking products, supplements, or medications that also contain caffeine.