

Although wheat products are prevalent on supermarket shelves, it is worth looking for baked articles of rye - not only because of their rich and appetizing aroma and taste, but also because a number of health benefits are hidden in them. Like most wheat products, rye and is available in stores year round.

Rye (Secale cereale) is a grain that looks like wheat but is longer and thinner, and its color varies from yellow-brown to gray-green. It is available whole, crushed and in the form of flour or flakes. Since it is difficult to separate the bran and its endosperm, rye usually stays with a rich amount of nutrients compared with finely ground wheat flour.

Cereal rye can be cultivated easily, even in poor soil minerals. Unlike wheat, rye grows well in a cold and dry climate.

Rye is one of the latest grains to become popular. Unlike other grains, it has been grown to 400 BC, It was first cultivated in Germany, and for centuries was considered the food of the poor.

Today more and more people are discovering the benefits of eating rye and in Eastern European countries and those of the Nordic area, it is highly venerated.

The main production of rye comes from the Russian Federation and now in second place is Poland, China, Canada and Denmark.

Composition of Rye

Rye is very rich in B group vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9. It contains phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper and potassium. Dark rye flour is extremely rich in beneficial fiber.

rye bread

100 g rye contains 69.7 g carbohydrates, 14.7 g protein and 2.5 g fat.

Selection and storage of rye

- As with any other food, make sure the packages are properly sealed to prevent moisture penetrating.

- When you buy rye bread, read the label on what really made it colored like rye. Rye bread is very perishable, so storage of rye products for more than two days is not recommended.

- Keep rye in a jar, in a cool, dark, dry place.

Culinary uses of Rye

breads and rye

- Like other grains, wash rye well under running water.

- A glass of rye is added to two and a half cups of boiling water and a little salt.

- Once it boils, reduce the heat and simmer about an hour or hour and a half.

The most common rye products are rye flour, rye bread, rye kernels. Rye flour is divided into light and dark, the first contains a large amount of starch at the expense of proteins. Rye bread is made from light rye flour.

The most commonly used method for the preparation of rye kernels is boiling in milk or water for about 20 minutes. They are eaten as a cereal with nuts and dried fruit or porridge with various cheeses and vegetables. Baked rye kernels are used in different dough or rye-wheat products. Rye flakes with milk and cinnamon are a great and very healthy breakfast.

Experts advise rye is brews a longer time to break down the solid protein and fiber. Otherwise, you may experience flatulence.

Benefits of Rye

- Helps in fighting weight. Fiber contained in the Rye, easily gives us the feeling of satiety, making rye bread a really good tool for anyone trying to lose weight.

- Helps in the prevention of the occurrence of gallstones. Eating foods rich in insoluble fiber, such as rye, can help women to prevent the occurrence of gallstones. A study proved that women who received fiber-rich foods showed a 13% reduced risk of developing stones.


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