Corn Semolina

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Corn Semolina

Old dishes and modern recipes is a vast topic that suggests many comparisons and conclusions. It is also interesting, because it turns out that the food of our ancestors today unexpectedly turns out to be something that arouses great interest and has many admirers. This applies in full force to an old food product - corn semolina.

Since today this food is becoming more and more in demand, it is good to know what it is, how it is prepared and from what and in what recipes it can be used.

Description of Corn Semolina

Corn semolina is practically a coarse flour obtained after processing dried corn. It is ground into small grains, but not as finely as for flour.

Semolina is obtained by grinding a hard grain and therefore does not boil during cooking and retains its shape. Corn grits are able to retain their properties after being cooked. It can be boiled or fried. Regardless of how it is prepared, corn porridge has a beneficial effect on the body and has a positive effect on intestinal activity. It normalizes both nervous and brain activity, strengthens the body and has an anti-aging effect. Therefore, today it has been rediscovered as a healthy budget food.

The nutritional composition and properties of corn semolina depend on whether it is whole grain or refined. In order to obtain a high-quality whole grain corn semolina, it can be made by hand by grinding corn kernels. In the past, stone mortars were used for this purpose, which they crushed the grains with. Today, mills are used where corn semolina is obtained as a by-product of the grinding of cornmeal.

Nutritional and chemical composition of corn semolina

Corn Semolina Benefits

Information is usually given on the content in 100 g of dry product. It contains:

- 12.6 g of water

- 12.68 g of proteins

- 1.05 g of fat

- 68.93 g of carbohydrates

- 3.9 g of fiber

- 360 calories

Vitamins in corn semolina

This product contains enviable amounts of vitamins:

- 0.387 mg of vitamin B1

- 0.28 mg of vitamin B2

- 0.08 mg of vitamin B3

- 0.58 mg of vitamin B5

- 0.103 mg of vitamin B6

- 72 mcg of vitamin B9

Mineral content of corn semolina

The mineral content is also remarkable:

- 186 mg of potassium

- 17 mg of calcium

- 47 mg magnesium

- 1 mg of sodium

- 136 mg of phosphorus

- 1.23 mg of iron

- 619 micrograms of manganese

- 189 micrograms of honey

- 1.05 micrograms of zinc

Corn Semolina Content

All doses are in 100 grams of corn semolina.

Health Benefits of Corn Semolina

Thanks to its chemical and nutritional composition, corn semolina has a number of health benefits from its consumption.

Corn semolina prevents overeating

Since it satiates the body well for a long time, this food keeps the body from overeating. This way you can maintain a healthy weight and avoid gaining extra weight.

Corn semolina boosts energy

Corn semolina is a suitable food for active people. It energizes the body and prevents fatigue. It's good to add vegetables to the corn semolina dish, which add flavor and fiber to this simple and effective meal.

Supports bone and nervous system health

With this food, bone density can be increased and the strength of the bone system can be strengthened. Zinc, phosphorus and magnesium support the nervous system.

Corn semolina improves heart health

This product contains selenium in excellent doses and it protects against infections and strengthens immunity. Therefore, it is suitable for heart health, protects against heart attack and heart failure.

Corn semolina protects against anemia

Cooking Corn Semolina

Iron is abundant in semolina. Iron-rich foods improve circulation and provide more fuel for the body.

How semolina works on the body when taken as food

This product contains a lot of potassium and magnesium and when the two elements are combined, they become a shield for the heart muscle. This normalizes this important organ and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Accumulating tocopherol or vitamin E, the body successfully recovers after a long illness or recent surgery. This substance is a natural antioxidant and at the same time a source of youth and freshness. Therefore, regular consumption of corn semolina preserves the youth of the skin, restores damaged hair and skin and the nails become shiny.

Cheese concentrates a lot of iron. The element is necessary for both adults and children in the fight against anemia or as a prophylaxis against it. Therefore, it is good to eat semolina on the critical days when ladies lose more blood.

Zinc ensures the excellent function of the male and female reproductive systems. It also takes care of the liver. Group B vitamins are necessary for the normalization of the psycho-emotional background and stable processes of the central nervous system.

The infamous semolina porridge, charges the body with energy. Improves memory, vision and perception. It is a necessary product for all ages. For the elderly, it prevents dementia.

Doctors urge people with chronic kidney disease to include corn semolina in their menu. The dish is also suitable for patients with diseases of the esophagus, stomach and bladder.

Corn semolina has an enveloping effect. When consumed, it protects the walls of the stomach, relieves pain and spasms, removes accumulated mucus or toxic substances from the digestive tract. All these benefits are considered an excellent prevention against gastrointestinal cancers.

Corn Semolina

Corn semolina porridge contains an optimal balance of fat, protein and carbohydrates. This allows it to be included in the diet. It is necessary to alternate dishes prepared with milk with those prepared with water. This way, during the entire diet, the body feels good.

Use of corn semolina in cooking

Porridge is most often made from corn semolina. It can be boiled with water or milk. It is very suitable for small children, but also for adults and old people.

In addition, casseroles, puddings, mousses are prepared with corn semolina. It can be used to sprinkle the baking dish instead of with flour, to bread meat or vegetables. It is added to soups and sauces to obtain a thicker consistency. The product for making kachamak is the most popular in our country.

You can try cornmeal with white cheese, with pear, make shepherd's pie, pancakes or tutmanik, corn cake or small sweets and last but not least the popular semolina halva dessert, which is traditionally made with wheat semolina.

It is best stored in a tightly closed metal container. It is best not to be in direct contact with light to keep it in a usable form.

Contraindications for using corn semolina

This food is well accepted by all age groups, but still there are some cases where caution should be taken with its use. It should not be eaten too often. Large amounts of phosphorus in excessive frequent feeding can release calcium and damage bone tissue.

Corn porridge should also not be given to children with duodenal problems, as well as to babies under 9 months of age.

Patients with gastritis should also exclude it from their menu, but with an increased level of acidity, it should be eaten in moderation after prolonged heat treatment.

Patients with pancreatitis should also exclude it from the menu, but it is suitable for diabetics.

With ulcer, dystrophy, constipation and low fibrinogen levels, it is not a good idea to eat corn semolina.

Use corn semolina to make delicious and healthy recipes like:

- cornbread;

- polenta.


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