Among the wealth of varieties of honey, one remains the least known, that is mint honey. The reason is that mint grows in almost every yard, but among large thickets, where bees often collect honey, this plant is not often found.
Obtaining pure mint honey is rare, but the product containing mint pollen is designated as such. This is where the mint flavor and aroma come from, which makes this honey unmistakable.
Mint honey is distinguished from other types of honey by its menthol taste and aroma and by the cool and refreshing taste it leaves. The crystallization process in it is slow, forming small crystals. This variety is of high viscosity. As it thickens, its color changes from amber to yellow.
Mint honey is an unique product with its composition and beneficial properties. It contains limonene, menthol, pulegone. Its healing properties are enhanced by B vitamins, of which only B17 is missing. However, there is a lot of ascorbic acid and all the other substances that are found in other varieties of honey.
The combination of the healing properties of honey and mint make it a much stronger healing food. It is highly effective for problems with the intestinal tract.

Improves the functions of the bile, strengthens blood vessels, lowers cholesterol. It can be an anti-stress food and improve sleep. Its prophylactic properties for colds and sore throats are self-explanatory.
In case of excessive gas formation, a small amount of honey can be added to the food or drink. It is also suitable for children with stomach problems. Reduces the swelling of the stomach, a consequence of irregular functions of the intestines.
Contraindications to the use of mint honey include the allergy that some people have to bee products. You must be careful in case of diseases such as: diabetes, an ulcer in an active stage, obesity. It is also not good to give to small children under 3 years of age.
The most appropriate ways to use it are direct use of a teaspoon of honey, as this is how it is absorbed most effectively. It can be added to the tea along with a piece of lemon, to the glass of milk or yogurt.