»Articles»Cooking Tips & Tricks»Bulgur for Babies - How and When?

Bulgur for Babies - How and When?

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova

Bulgur, which has been traditionally present on the table of many people for centuries, is now gaining more and more popularity all over the world. Against the background of all GMO products, sausages with unclear ingredients, abundantly sprayed fruits and vegetables with chemicals, bulgur is starting to stand out with its natural signature in worldwide cuisine.

There is no dispute about the beneficial properties of bulgur, which is why we immediately think that it would probably be a great food for our toddlers or even babies who already have chewing abilities. But is this really the case? When and how can you start to include bulgur in your baby's menu?

Naturally, like all other issues related to the food of young children, the inclusion of bulgur in the baby menu is a controversial topic, and this is mainly due to the gluten contained in it.

Unfortunately, it is a fact that both pollen and food allergies are becoming more common these days. Gluten intolerance makes no exception. In addition, it should be taken into account that bulgur is quite a heavy food for small children and can easily cause stomach bloating, colic and digestive problems.

As useful as this food is, in no case should you offer it to children under 1 year old, and it is best to even include it in their menu when they are already 2 or 3 years old and when you are sure that they do not have an intolerance to gluten.

Buckwheat soup

Another mistake when it comes to offering bulgur to young children is that it is often boiled with milk, which in itself is also an allergen.

When introducing bulgur to the children's menu, it should consist of finely crushed grains. You can add about half or 1 teaspoon (if you are sure that your child is not gluten intolerant) of the product to your child's favorite porridge and wait a while for it to soften.

Russian specialists, for example, believe that even with older children bulgur dishes should be present in their menu no more than twice a week, and that the portion of children under the age of 5 should be no more than 50- 70 g

When cooking bulgur for younger children (not younger than a year and a half), do not fry it under any circumstances! It is enough to pre-soak it, strain it and add it to your child's favorite soup, carrot or pumpkin porridge. You can even turn boiled bulgur with milk into a very nutritious breakfast!
