»Articles»Cooking Tips & Tricks»Suitable Spices for Turkey Meat

Suitable Spices for Turkey Meat

Nadia Galinova
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Nadia Galinova
Roasted turkey

Turkey is among the favorite poultry for a festive table. It is also extremely healthy - many people prefer it to chicken. 100 grams of cooked turkey contains as much as 30 grams of protein compared to only 160 calories. This meat is also rich in zinc and B vitamins, as well as selenium. It does not contain harmful fats and cholesterol, and it is part of the regime of every athlete.

Sometimes, however, cooking this meat is a challenge. The biggest among them - how to properly season turkey to enhance its taste qualities?

The rule is that seasonings that go on chicken also go on the turkey. This means lighter and fresher flavors, with the crispy herb crust being a particular favorite.

It's easy to achieve - both when roasting a whole turkey and when preparing a fillet or leg. You will need butter and fresh spices. Melt the butter and finely chop the spices. Any mix is suitable for the purpose - you can choose only dill; you can also make a more Mediterranean mix by mixing oregano, basil and black pepper.

You can also replace the butter with olive oil. In this case, as a rule, the spices popular in Mediterranean cuisine are more suitable. We have already listed them and they are oregano, basil, black pepper, rosemary.

Spices for turkey

Parsley is also particularly suitable. The trick here is to choose a fresh parsley, which you chop very finely. It will go perfectly in combination with butter. A classic spice for turkey is also sage. This spice adds an unique taste to dishes.

The classic onions and garlic also go well with the turkey. Garlic can be added to the herb butter that you will make at home - with melted butter, fresh herbs and a few cloves of garlic.

You can also take a non-standard approach - use the juice from different citrus fruits to flavor the turkey. Since its meat is light, orange juice and added orange peel and cranberries would be especially good. You can also marinate it in white wine or beer – all these ingredients will make the meat even more tender.


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