Seasoned minced meat can be found in any store. Often, however, it does not meet our expectations and we have to add flavor to it. In most cases, this ends disastrously, since it is not known which product the manufacturers have added too much of and which one is missing.
In addition to seasoned, you can also find pure minced meat – ground meat without any additives. It is best to choose something not so colorful and watery. That way, you'll have the freedom to flavor it to your liking.
Of course, the amount of spices you add is up to you, since everyone has different preferences. It is best not to overdo it, especially with the ground allspice.

For half a kilogram of minced meat, you will need about 3 allspice grains, salt, black pepper, savory herb, parsley, spearmint and grated onion. These are the most suitable and most commonly used additives for flavoring minced meat.
To make it perfect for cooking meatballs, for example, you can add a little baking soda, as well as wet bread without the crust.
The products are mixed well and left in the refrigerator for about two hours. When making meatballs and kebabs, they are shaped from the minced meat with wet hands. If you are going to put the minced meat in another dish, skip the soda and the bread.

If you are adventurous in the kitchen, you can try curry, turmeric, black cumin and why not oregano or sage to flavor the minced meat.
Meatballs with leeks
Necessary products: 500 g of ground beef, 1 onion, 5-6 leek stalks, 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, 1 slice of bread, 4 eggs, citric acid, black pepper, salt.
Method of preparation: The meat is mixed with grated onion, the soaked bread in water, 1 egg and as much black pepper and salt as you like. Small meatballs are formed from the resulting mixture, which are fried in heated fat.
Stew the finely chopped leeks in the same fat, then pour them into a baking pan. Arrange the meatballs on it and cover them with a little warm water. Bake them in the oven, until the water evaporates. The dish is poured with the remaining 3 eggs, beaten with citric acid and they are baked again. The food is served slightly chilled.
Once you know how to properly flavor minced meat, we recommend trying some of the following recipes with minced meat:
- Meat roll;