»Articles»Health Tips & Advice»The Most Useful Herbs for the Stomach

The Most Useful Herbs for the Stomach

Maria SimovaMaria Simova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
The most useful herbs for the stomach

In the spring, young grass shoots make their way everywhere, but not everyone knows what benefits they bring. Burdock and dandelions, chamomile and plantain - all these unpretentious plants have healing properties. They contain many vitamins and trace elements that can heal the body, relieve pain, kill viruses and reduce inflammation.

The treatment of the stomach with herbs is no exception. The unhealthy ecology of big cities, irregular eating with fast food affects the digestive system and this is detrimental to us.

To prevent serious diseases, it is necessary to know which stomach herbs should be taken and how?

Herbs are of great benefit to a person who treats their health with care and thought, if they use them as a preventive measure. Properly selected herbs will help to strengthen the immune system, to stabilize the work of internal organs. They can prevent the appearance of stomach diseases in people with a predisposition to them, not to mention the fact, that they reduce the risk of exacerbation in chronic forms.

The majority of people seek help from doctors when stomach pain or unpleasant symptoms do not give them rest. An active lifestyle is full of stress, a person is constantly faced with unpleasant situations at the workplace and in everyday life. Their digestion can deteriorate from any bad news and the grief that has befallen an unprepared person can cause a loss of appetite or, conversely, lead to overeating. Then the right herbal teas come to the rescue: they calm the nerves and stabilize the way the stomach functions.

Digestive disorders and stomachaches

Dyspepsia (poor digestion) can be the result of a serious illness, so doctors do not recommend experimenting with herbs. But there are cases of episodic stomach pains that are not related to a specific diagnosis, so the available herbs for the treatment of the stomach and the prevention of diseases are always in the on hand or in pharmacies.


The leaves of this plant have many properties: soothing, choleretic, antiemetic, antispasmodic. An infusion of mint helps to increase appetite and improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines and it is possible to make a tincture from its leaves.

Mint tea

Healing peppermint tea for the stomach

Pour a spoonful of mint (dried or fresh leaves) into a glass and add boiling water (250 ml). To give the drink a special taste, add green tea. To improve the health of the intestines and stomach, you can add leaves of blueberries, strawberries, birch.

Gastritis with high acidity

Excessive amounts of stomach acid are accompanied by pain, nausea, heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms. To reduce acidity, sometimes you don't need to take medication. You can use safer herbal decoctions to restore the proper functions of the stomach. Chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, licorice, etc. will help with this.

For treatment of gastritis, when the walls of the stomach have a shallow nature of damage, doctors often advise patients to drink herbal teas. They believe that the collection of herbs can be one of the effective methods of treatment.

Herbal combination 1 – mix 3 parts of Red Fame St. John's Wort, 2 parts of Perforate St. John's Wort, 1 part mint and make an infusion with 200 ml of hot water, without additional boiling water. Leave it for more than 1 hour, strain it and drink it before meals.

Herbal combination 2 - chamomile, mint, dill, licorice roots in total 40 g. Make an infusion with boiling water (500 ml). Leave it for 3 hours, by covering it with a towel on top, strain it and drink it before each meal.

Herbal combination 3 - Perforate St John's-wort, chamomile, yarrow, lesser celandine (total 20 g). Make an infusion with 1 cup of boiling water and leave it for 1 hour, strain it and drink it 30 minutes before meals.

Marshmallow (Herb)

Marsh mallow is one of the most beneficial herbs for the stomach

Medicinal preparations made from the roots of Marshmallow are used for general stomach ailments and constipation. The content of a large number of mucous components with enveloping properties helps to protect the stomach from the effects of irritating substances on it. Powders, extracts, decoctions and syrups are produced from Marshmallow. But their use is contraindicated for constipation.

Decoction of the roots of Marshmallow - 5-6 grams of roots are crushed, boiled over a low heat for 15 minutes. Leave them covered for a few minutes, don't forget to strain. Add boiled water as much as it was at the beginning. Sweeten with honey to enhance the drink's taste and drink with every meal. The decoction is useful in its fresh state, so - prepare it daily.

To prevent gastritis, it is beneficial to use carrot juice or potatoes.

Cabbage juice

Cabbage leaves are grinded in a meat grinder, the resulting mass is squeezed out from the juice through a cheesecloth, slightly warmed and drunk in equal parts. The useful properties are lost, if it is stored for more than 2 days and it is ineffective to treat the stomach with it.


From fresh or dried leaves of the plant, a magnificent infusion is prepared. The leaves are crushed (20 g), poured with boiling water, left for a few minutes, divided into 3 doses and drunk throughout the day.

Stomach ulcer treatment

Herbs for treating ulcers

Severe disease, which requires careful use of herbal medicines or other components caused by deep damage to the mucous membrane causes frequent exacerbations. They are accompanied by unbearable pain.

For the purpose of prevention, in parallel with the diet during periods of remission, it is allowed to drink tea for the stomach, decoctions and herbal tinctures, which will further reduce the risk of exacerbations. Herbs, that promote the regeneration of damaged tissues: licorice (root), calendula, clover, birch (leaves), chamomile, wormwood, yarrow.

Preparing a combined infusion is easy to do at home, but if you do not have the necessary herbs, you can buy them at the pharmacy.

Herbal combination 1 - 5-6 g of grated licorice root without additional ingredients are poured into 200 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes and drunk for 3 months.

Herbal combination 2 - 2 tbsp. of Perforate St John's-wort and 1 tsp. Stevia is mixed, poured with 1 cup of water and put on low heat. Boil for half an hour and cool and drink during the day.

Herbal combination 3 - equal parts of yarrow, linden blossom, chamomile, mint in total - 40 g, pour boiling water and leave it for 2 hours. Strain and drink it throughout the day.

The first symptoms of gastritis and ulcers are not very different. So one of the reasons why patients end up in a hospital bed, is because they don't want to seek help in time.

Everyone knows that self-medication often leads to unexpected consequences. There may be improvement if you use herbs. But only doctors can determine the extent of the disease.

And to avoid deterioration, people should not trust their own ideas and methods of treatment, but follow a strictly constructed scheme of herbal treatment.
