»Articles»Diets»Ginger Tea Reduces Weight

Ginger Tea Reduces Weight

Nina NordNina Nord
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Ginger roots

Drinking ginger tea for weight loss is an ancient tradition in the East. It activates blood circulation, the metabolism and other important processes in the body.

Ginger tea speeds up the metabolism thanks to the essential oils, that it is very rich of. Those who regularly add ginger as a spice to their diet have much fresher facial skin.

Ginger helps the skin look young longer, so it is a very important part of the menu of any woman who does not want to age quickly. Recipes for ginger slimming tea are very easy.

The root is cut into thin slices, put in a thermos and boiling water is added. The tea infusion can also be made in already brewed but still boiling green or black tea.

Just add the pieces of ginger to the boiling liquid and after 15 minutes you can consume it. Another option for making tea is to brew it for 15 minutes. Remove it from the heat, cool it and strain it and add honey and lemon juice.

For those who want to loose more belly rolls, use the following recipe: one part ginger root is mixed with one part garlic cloves and 20 parts of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the chopped ingredients and strain them after 15 minutes.

Keep in mind that for every 2 liters of water, a piece of ginger (about the size of a plum) is enough. Ginger tea can be used not only for weight loss but also for beauty.

It is mandatory to strain the tea before consumption, otherwise its taste will be too rich and not so pleasant. Honey is never added in hot tea, only in chilled. Do not drink ginger tea before bed because it will make you feel more energetic.



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