Broccoli is a mandatory part of the menu for the healthy cuisine fans and not only. This vegetable is popular for its low calorie content and is quite nutritious as a food.
Like most fruits and vegetables we buy, it is important how we store them, in order to keep them fresh and in good condition until they are eaten.
Here are some ideas on how to properly store your favorite broccoli and how to cook them.
The storage is very important not only for preserving the taste, but also for all the vitamins it contains. The most visible signs of improper storage become clear when the base of the broccoli starts to turn yellow.
Another visible sign of improper storage of greens is when the core itself begins to dry out or when the vegetable begins to rot. In case you spot these factors it is not advisable to buy them, because they have already lost their valuable vitamins and it has been a long time since they were picked.
Quality and fresh broccoli is recognized by its dark green and fresh color. To remain in this condition, it must be stored in a cool place immediately after it has been picked. They can be refrigerated at about 0°C.
Broccoli has a variety of ways to be prepared. We can steam them, we can make breaded broccoli, fry them or just boil them in salted water.
However, according to research, if we cook broccoli in water, the mineral content and vitamins are lost. Therefore, it is recommended to steam them or if we are going to boil them, we should place them in the water with the stems and tips up, even above the water itself.
It should be noted that we can very easily over cook them and then they turn into mash.
Check out our recommended broccoli recipes: