Eggplant is a vegetable discovered thousands of years ago. It is believed to have originated in India.
Eggplants can now be bought all year round, but are best in late summer.
It is believed that eggplants are not very healthy. This is true, but at the same time it is not. Eggplant is one of the foods that are rich in oxalates and excessive consumption can lead to health problems for people with kidney, liver or bile diseases.
Eggplants can also cause problems for people suffering from ulcers or gastritis due to their high content of cellulose, which is difficult to process.
But if you do not have such health problems, eggplants are tasty and have many useful properties.
This vegetable is good for people with cardiovascular problems because it manages to remove bad cholesterol from the body. As hard as it is to believe, it even cleanses the blood vessels and makes them more elastic.
Eggplant is ideal for diets and for cleansing the body.
People who suffer from gout should include eggplants in their diet because they help the body get rid of elevated uric acid levels.
It can be said with a smile that eggplants are the vegetable of the old people. If you include them at your table regularly, the aching pains will not remain for long. Eggplants increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. This stimulates the work of the bone marrow and even the spleen.
Anemic people can also use it to increase the level of iron in their blood. With these properties, eggplants are even good for pregnant women.
Eggplants also help to deal with various infections more easily and to heal wounds faster.
In addition, eggplants are good for hair loss, psoriasis and other skin diseases.
It is important to know when eating eggplants that they have a high content of solanine, which makes them slightly bitter.
In an overripe eggplant, solanine is in greater quantities and can cause poisoning.
Therefore, we come to the conclusion that we should enjoy consuming eggplants, but in moderation, so that we can derive only its benefits and incredible taste. And if you are wondering what to cook with eggplant, here are some recipes for eggplant that we recommend with the greatest pleasure: