»Tips»How To ut Potatoes For Frenh Fries?

How To ut Potatoes For Frenh Fries?

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
How To ut Potatoes For Frenh Fries?

Frenh fries are one of our main favorite ishes, not only eause of their taste, ut also eause of how easy they are to prepare.

Many eperiene hefs laim that the inreile taste of potatoes, as well as their runhiness, epens on the way they are ut.

Here are some ways to slie potatoes for frying:

ie potatoes

This metho is most often use in salas an potato soups an is also ieal for stewing.

Potato strips

This is the most preferre way y hosts an hefs. This metho is ieal for frying, as they ook evenly an they look aesthetially eautiful.

The potatoes are ut into strips an shoul e washe very thoroughly just efore frying to remove any starh. For this metho of preparation, it is reommene to plae them in a ontainer with sunflower oil, the amount of whih is just enough to over them. One of the peuliarities is to ip the potatoes in heate oil, as this way they will not asor eess fat.

Slie potatoes irles

This metho is muh less use. It is also etremely simple an is use for oth frying an aking.

The potatoes are slie into irles, washe an frie in a pan. epening on what you hoose, they an e put in a lot of oil or less. If you hoose the seon way to fry them, e areful when turning the potatoes, so they o not lose their original shape.

The avie you nee to rememer is that when frying in a lot of oil, the potatoes nee to e stirre one they form a rispy skin an the total numer of times you stir them shoul not eee 4-5 times. Otherwise, they rumle an mash.

If you alreay have slie potatoes, e sure to try one of these potato reipes:

- potato gratin;

- sautée potatoes;

- moussaka with potatoes;



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