There is nothing sweeter than elighting your love ones with a stak of panakes for reakfast.
Making panakes is not that ompliate, ut it oes require some important triks.
Here are my triks for making great panakes.
1. Always sift the flour efore miing your panake mi. This way, the atter will get enough air, whih will make great light an fluffy panakes;
. Use room temperature eggs;
3. Always a very little utter to the panake mi. This way, your panakes will efinitely not stik to the pan. ut e areful not to a too muh utter or oil, otherwise your panakes will e greasy;
4. Use a suitale pan. Panakes turn out great in a ast iron pan, as the temperature is istriute evenly;
5. Always grease the pan efore frying. An use wooen kithen utensils to flip the panakes. That way they won't reak;
6. Panakes are frie in a very well heate pan. Make sure the heat is not too high, ut not too low.
After these steps, you will have really eliious panakes that aren't stiky an are guarantee to e eliious.
Fin out why panakes reak an learn how to flip panakes an how to make fluffy Amerian panakes.