»Tips»How to Store Fudge or Brownie for Longer?

How to Store Fudge or Brownie for Longer?

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova

If you've prepared irresistible fudge or your favorite brownie and want to keep them fresh for a longer time, but don't know how, read on and you'll find out.

Proper storage of fudge

- Storage at room temperature. Fudge is stored well at room temperature. To prevent your fudge from drying out, place it in a box, which is airtight or use a ziploc bag. This way, fudge can be kept for up to 2 weeks at room temperature;

- Store fudge in the refrigerator. The refrigerator will keep your fudge cool and prevent it from drying out. However, it must be done properly, otherwise it may become dry and begin to crumble. Here's how to store fudge in the fridge:

- Put the piece of fudge in foil for fresh storage and you can wrap all the pieces at once if you do not want to wrap each piece separately. You can also use parchment paper. Place the wrapped fudge in an airtight box or ziploc bag. This allows you to store fudge in the fridge for 1 month;

- Storage in the freezer. You can store pieces of fudge both together and separately. It is best to store fudge in individual pieces, unless you want it to be uncut. If it is cut into pieces, it will be easier for you to store it and it will be easier for you to take it out of the freezer. You need to wrap the cake in cling film to keep it moist. It is then placed in a box with an airtight seal. Place a date on it, so that you know when you have froze them. This way fudge can last up to 6 months;

Proper storage of brownie

The first step is to decide how long you want to store brownies for. Will you be eating it in the upcoming week, or do you want to have brownies for more than a week or even months?

- If you want to store a brownie for a short time, you can put it in a jar that is airtight and large enough to hold the whole chocolate cake. Before putting the brownie in the jar, it is best to cover the inside with baking paper, so that the brownie does not stick to its walls. Then you have to close it very well. Stored in this way, the cake can last several days;

- If you want to store a brownie for a longer time, then you can freeze it. And here's how:

- You need to wrap each piece of brownie with foil for fresh storage or you can put them in separate bags;

- Then put the brownie in a ziploc bag;

- Then put it in the freezer. This way you can store brownies for 3 months;



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