»Tips»How to Fry Eggplant?

How to Fry Eggplant?

Viktoria NeikovaViktoria Neikova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
How to Fry Eggplant?

Eggplant is a widespread vegetable in the culinary world. It has valuable nutritional properties that give it a major role in a number of memorable recipes.

In most of them, the vegetable is used in a fried state. To fry eggplant properly, so that you get a crispy texture, here are the steps:

- The first step is to wash and cut the eggplant into circles. It is advisable to salt each of them separately to avoid uneven salting at the end;

- Then tilt the baking pan with the eggplant, so that the bitter juice comes out. You can soak up the rest with a napkin;

- The next step is to dip each of the circles in flour and beat them well, so that you don't leave a layer of flour on the eggplant. You can use a fork for this purpose;

- Put more oil in a non-stick pan and after it heats up, start adding the eggplant slices one by one. It is important to raise the temperature of the hob, because on low heat the eggplant will absorb too much oil and will become extremely soft and greasy. This will take away from its crunchiness. Another important condition is not to place the pieces of eggplant on top of each other, because it is likely to leave them raw on one side. You need to put them in the pan next to each other.

- The final step is to remove the slices of fried eggplant and soak up the fat with a napkin.

With fried eggplant you can prepare:

- classic Greek moussaka;

- fried eggplants with tomato sauce;

- eggplant appetizers.



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