»Tips»Can You Gain Weight from Fruit?

Can You Gain Weight from Fruit?

Viktoria NeikovaViktoria Neikova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Can You Gain Weight from Fruit?

Fruit are a favorite food of many people. They become even more tempting, because of their useful and healthy nature. This is the reason why they participate in most diets and their consumption is considered highly recommended.

However, this leads many people to believe, that fruit are completely harmless and this makes it possible to go overboard with their consumption.

Here is the truth.

Can you gain weight from fruit?

Fruits contain sugar, which is known as fructose. It is similar to glucose, except that it is absorbed by the liver. Its main function is to fill glycogen deficiencies in the liver.

Normal levels of fructose intake are up to 50 grams or 10% of daily calorie intake. If these values ​​are exceeded, it means that you are overloading the liver. Excess fructose then begins to accumulate, which is converted to triglycerides.

This, in turn, activates the process of fat accumulation known as lipogenesis. It is stimulated by excessive intake of fructose, which is the cause for high blood sugar and insulin. Therefore, it is believed that fruit can indeed lead to weight gain, although these are extreme cases.

To avoid such adverse effects, you should consume fruit in moderation.

How much fruit can I eat daily?

You can achieve this with a daily intake of 2-3 fruit.

If you do not want to lose weight, but maintain your weight, then you can intake about 25-40 g of fructose per day.

The average fruit sugar per fruit is about 5-10 g, which means you can eat up to 4 fruit a day.

It is advisable to avoid eating high fructose foods such as dried fruit, when following a certain diet.

Fruits with the highest fructose content

- Raisins - 23 g;

- Pear - 11.8 g;

- Apple - 10.5 g;

- Banana - 7.1 g;

- Orange - 6.1 g.

And if you do not have certain prohibitions and you can eat as much delicious fruit as you like, then be sure to take a look at our favorites:

- fruit creams;

- fruit cakes;

- fruit salad.



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