»Tips»How to Blanch Dock?

How to Blanch Dock?

Hristiliana DimitrovaHristiliana Dimitrova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova

The dock is a old plant. About 150 species are known. On the territory of our country some of the species can be found. Dock is one of the most common edible plants.

Dock can be found in spring time in almost every yard and lawn. It is unpretentious and easy to grow. It is also very healthy and tasty. Dock is rich in iron, vitamins and minerals.

In order for us to enjoy its taste for a longer time and in any season, not only in the spring, dock can be blanched. That way we will have access to it regardless of the season.

How is dock blanched

Blanching is a basic cooking technique for storing products for a long time. When blanching, the vegetables are placed for a few minutes in boiling water. It is a process mainly used for vegetables that are going to be stored in the freezer.

The first step in blanching dock is to clean it from the stems. The leaves of the cleaned dock are then cut in bulk.

Pour water into a deep pot and boil it.

When the water boils, add the chopped dock for 5-7 minutes. It is then removed and transferred into a container of cold water.

Strain the leaves from the water and leave them to cool.

When the dock is strained and completely dry, put it in bags and freeze it in the freezer.

Another way to store blanched dock is to store dock in jars. Just fill the jars with dock and boil them for 10 minutes.



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