How to make
The veal bones are probably the most delicious to prepare homemade broth with. They are sold at the butchers, but it is a good idea to look for those with more meat and cartilage on them.
Since their meat is usually tough, it is good to cook them in a pressure cooker. Pour water to cover 2/3 of the pot and cook for about 50 minutes, then remove the bones from the broth (it is extremely thick and aromatic), remove the meat from them and place them back into the broth.
Add the sliced vegetables, flavor and place them onto the stove to boil until the vegetables are ready. Five minutes before removing the pot from the stove, put the vermicelli as well.
If the broth is more than what you need can safely freeze it in a container in the freezer and use it either for soup for the next time, or to add a stronger flavor to any other dish like for example, beans or cabbage.