How to make
This clear mushroom soup is very tasty and quick to prepare.
Peel and cut the carrots into thin circles. Fry them for 2 minutes and then stew them under the lid for another two.
Chop and add the garlic, by also frying it for 2 minutes.
Add diced shiitake mushrooms - pre-cleaned and without the stumps, because they are tough.
Pour water, or vegetable broth. Add a pinch of fragrant saffron, salt and black pepper.
Boil it under a lid for 15 minutes, then pour the noodles and 1 tsp. with a tip of finely grated lime peel.
Cook for another 3-4 minutes or as directed on the package of the noodles you are using.
To serve the soup, squeeze the lime juice and that way it can be added by anyone who wants it.
Serve the mushroom soup hot with a drizzle of sesame oil.
The shiitake and saffron mushroom soup is ready.
Enjoy your meal!