Whenever we're talking about iron, zinc and vitamins, the first thing we think of is pork meat. Yes, pork contains quite a lot of fat but at the same time winter is the ideal season for its consumption.
Very simple - during winter our body needs more heat. Pork isn't just a source of proteins either. It contains B group vitamins - В1, В2, В3, В6 and В12. These vitamins are particularly important for the immune system.
It's always healthy to add thyme to your pork dish. It is a major source of phytoncides.
Of course, there are people who don't like pork. They can use beef instead. Beef is a source of proteins, vitamins, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and zinc.
The iron is the most important because it acts as an immunostimulant against a number of viruses. It is distributed throughout the body, accumulates and disposes of virus-infected cells.
But meat alone is not enough. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body needs to be 1:1:4. That's why it's especially important to add a garnish to your meat.
You can make one from potatoes, rice or vegetables.