It's always a good idea to substitute white rice with brown in the traditional recipes. Since there is less processing of its grains, it means more healthy nutrients present in it. Let us offer you several recipes with which to try out the possible combinations with brown rice, which is no less appetizing than white rice.
The first recipe you can prepare as a main course or garnish to grilled meat. To make it, you will need:
Brown Rice with Cheddar Cheese
Ingredients: 1 cup brown rice, 2-3 cups water, 1/2 head red onions, 1 red pepper, 1 cup of grated Cheddar.
Preparation: Wash the rice and put it in the water in a pot. Once it comes to a boil, reduce the heat and let the rice simmer until it softens and absorbs the water.

In a saucepan, put the onions and pepper, which have been cut into round slices. Once they fry a little, add the boiled rice. At the end, add the cheddar and leave on the stove until it melts. Finally, season with ground black pepper.
The next recipe is for a salad with brown rice and avocado. You will need 2/5 cup of rice, boiled ahead of time, then strained and left to cool. To it, add sunflower and pumpkin seeds, baked in a dry pan.
Chop 4 bunches of green onions and add them to the rice. Grate 2 pumpkins on a grater and before you add them to the rest of the ingredients, squeeze them with your hands. Then cut up half an avocado and throw it in the bowl with the salad. Pour a dressing made of olive oil, 2 tablespoons lemon juice and 1 tablespoon honey over the salad. Toss and serve the salad, sprinkled with fresh mint leaves.
The final recipe is for a moussaka of rice and broccoli:
Moussaka with Rice and Broccoli
Ingredients: 4/5 cup brown rice, 2 garlic cloves, 1 tbsp soya sauce, 1 tbsp sesame seeds, 2 whisked eggs, fresh coriander, broccoli, 1 cup peas, 3 carrots, oil, salt.
Preparation: First, boil the rice. In a separate container, fry the cut into strips carrots, the garlic cloves that you've chopped, as well as the peas. Stir and pour in a little water, so that they saute.
Then remove from the stove, pour the rice and vegetables into an oiled tray, add the coriander, salt and sesame and stir. Finally, add the whisked eggs and stir well. Bake in a moderate oven.