Brown Rice

Brown Rice

Brown rice, which many call one of the diamond grain foods and breads for everyone is a very useful product whose taste has gathered many fans around the world. An interesting fact is that all types of rice began precisely as brown rice.

But passing through a mill removes the bran /outer layer/ grain. The white core is almost entirely composed of carbohydrates, while peeled bran are what they contain everything valuable from a nutritional standpoint. So, brown rice is superior. When brown, rice’s only thing removed is the inedible skin around the grain. It is the richest nutrient among all forms of rice.

Brown rice is brown, in some cases, you may notice a slight greenish tinge. There is a strong natural flavor, which in some cases can be confused with mold.

White and Brown Rice

Composition of brown rice

Brown rice has far outpaced white as nutritional value. One cup of brown rice contains 3.5 g of fiber, while the same amount of white rice contains less than one gram. Besides being high in fiber, brown rice is rich in carbohydrates, minerals, fat, vitamins of the B group, potassium and selenium.

100 g of brown rice contains 12.4% water, 362 calories, 3.5 g fiber, 76 g carbohydrate, 2.7 g fat, 7.5 g protein, 0 g cholesterol and 0 g sugars.

Selection and storage of brown rice

When buying brown rice, carefully Inspect the packaging for signs of mold and other irregularities. The label should mention details about the manufacturer and expiration date.

Keep brown rice in a dark and cool place to which, there is no direct sunlight. The storage temperature should not be higher than 20 degrees and the relative humidity should not exceed 75%. As seen, brown rice is very sensitive to high temperatures, so to keep it for a long time, keep it in a cool place.

Brown Rice Pilaf

Brown rice in cooking

Brown rice is very tasty, but the preparation is longer than white rice. First rinse the rice at least three times in cold water. Then let it soak in water for at least half an hour.

Drain it and heat the stove on medium heat. Put the rice in a saucepan and mix gently, browning at the same time. It takes several minutes, until the rice is aromatic and grains are almost dry.

Add a teaspoon of salt and fat, them boil it over the top. Allow to boil for at least 40 minutes on a slow fire, stop the heat and remove the lid after 15 minutes. This rice is very tasty and flavorful, you can combine it with meat or vegetables of your choice.

Another tasty option for cooking brown rice is getting it cooked in vegetable or mushroom broth and soup naturally made from steamed vegetables with your favorite spices. Season it with turmeric to get a great aromatic rice with yellow color.

If you want to experiment, you can add cashews, pieces of apple, raisins, red berries, diced mango, garlic and onions. Cooked in mushroom broth brown rice and garnished with mushrooms is a delicious dish which few resist.

types of Brown Rice

Benefits of brown rice

Brown rice does not contain gluten, which is present in the composition of almost all grains and causes severe allergies. Contained therein starch does not lead to fat accumulation, which is an extremely important fact. Brown rice does not lead to accumulation of fat metabolism, and helps because it is rich in fiber.

The high potassium content in the rice is great for hang overs. It brings sodium from the body, which is the main culprit for feeling unwell.

Brown rice lowers cholesterol levels, contain manganese, which helps the body fight stress, but also beautify the skin. The high content of vitamins B-complex and carbohydrates stimulate serotonin and acts as a powerful antidepressant.

Rice helps to reduce blood sugar levels, and scientific experiments revealed that people who consumed rice at least twice a week, suffer less from diabetes. Therefore, brown rice enters into the menu of diabetics.


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