When cooking bream, do not leave it unattended for extended periods during baking. It depends on the size of the fish, but usually about 20 min. are enough to cook it. Here are our recipes:
Bream with cherry tomatoes and garlic
Ingredients: 4 breams, 4 cloves of garlic, 12-14 cherry tomatoes, olive oil, lemon, parsley, salt, ground black pepper, olives.
Preparation: Clean and wash the fish, then leave them to drain. Cut the cherry tomatoes into halves. After the fish have been drained, cut up each bream in a separate sheet of baking paper.
Add finely chopped parsley, salt, black pepper, pressed garlic, a few olives (best to have them sliced and pitted) and the tomato halves to the fish. Put some of this into the bellies of the fish as well.

Then wrap with baking paper and put them on the grill for about 20 min. Once they are ready, remove the paper, pour on freshly squeezed lemon juice generously and serve.
The next proposal is for breams with tomatoes once again, this time including capers. And here is the recipe:
Bream with oregano and capers
Ingredients: 4 bream fillets, lemon, olive oil, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon capers, 4 fillets of anchovies, 4/5 cup white wine, 16 cherry tomatoes, ground black pepper, salt, parsley, oregano.
Preparation: Put the fillets in an appropriate dish and squeeze lemon on top, season with black pepper and a little salt. Leave the fillets for half an hour in this marinade. In the meantime, heat olive oil in a suitable dish and fry the slices of garlic and anchovy fillets in it.
Pour in half of the white wine and let the mixture simmer. Then place the washed and halved cherry tomatoes, add the capers and black pepper. After a few minutes, when the tomatoes have changed color, remove from the heat.

Put the fish fillets in an oven dish, pour in a little oregano and parsley, add the tomato mixture, pour in the rest of the wine and bake for about 20 min. Initially, cover the dish with foil, and as soon as half the duration has elapsed, remove the foil.
Spicy bream with white wine and rosemary
Ingredients: 2 breams, 6 cloves of garlic, 2 bunches of rosemary, 2 tablespoons white wine, lemon, salt, ground black pepper, olive oil, 2 small chili peppers.
Preparation: Remove the fillets from the 2 fish, then put them in foil, containing a sheet of baking paper of the same size. Arrange the fillets, sprinkle on the garlic, which has been chopped, place the rosemary leaves, black pepper, salt.
Then crumble the 2 chili peppers on top of the fillets, add a few drops of olive oil and the white wine. Close the foil and baking paper, so that no steam can escape, in order for the fish to stew. Put it in a preheated oven and bake for 10 min. Serve with a fresh salad, making sure you pour lemon juice generously over the fish first.