Cow Milk


Cow's milk is so common that it does not even need a description. Whether it is an addition to cereal snacks or as a cold glass of milk, this drink is an essential element in our diet.

Milk is available in different forms that vary in the diversity of their fat content. The 2% or 1.5% on the box corresponds to the percentage of fat in the milk. This 2% or 1.5% is referred to as low-fat and 3.5% is full cream.

The practice of drinking cow's milk dates back to 6000-8000 BC Milk and milk products have been so deeply valued in ancient Egypt, only the rich could afford them. In Europe, the tendency to prefer cow to sheep's milk began around the 14th century, but its pasteurization came in the late 19th century

Composition of cow's milk

Cow's milk is a source of hundreds of chemicals that are essential to human health. Cow's milk is a valuable source of protein and calcium. It has great significance because it contains milk sugar (lactose) and milk fat, not found in this type of structure, in any other food products.

It is rich in vitamins C, A, B and C, calcium, protein, sugar, taurine and micronutrients.


Selection and storage of cow's milk

- When you buy milk always check the date printed on the packaging.

- Choose milk in the coldest part of the store fridges.

- Milk should always be kept in the fridge.

- Always close the open box, so the milk can not be penetrated by extraneous odors, which would alter the taste.

- Avoid holding it on the refrigerator, as each time you expose it to heat, it leads to the substance going off.


Cow's milk in cooking

This is one of the most widely used products worldwide. It makes many of the most delicious cheeses, it is also a component of many dishes and sweets. With cow’s milk, you can prepare a large number of sauces, from all over the world, one of which is the notorious Bechamel. One of the most famous products from fresh cow's milk is Yogurt. Cow's milk is the main ingredient of pastry creams and mousses. Cow's milk is combined very well with rice, granola, and millions of people use it to add to their coffee. No cow's milk makes many’s favorite cappuccino unthinkable.

Before being consumed, however, cow's milk should undergo heat treatment to neutralize bacteria.

Benefits of cow's milk

- Contains calcium - a mineral that cares for about more than just the health of our bones. Milk is best known for its content of calcium, which plays a major role in the care of our bones. In recent studies, it appears that this mineral not only helps strengthen bones, but it builds them;

- Protects the cells of the column causing cancer chemicals;

- Prevents the loss of bone strength that can result from menopause or specific disabilities, such as those caused by rheumatic arthritis;

- Helps prevent migraine attacks;

blue milk

- Helps in the fight against obesity in children. It was found that eating foods rich in calcium, acts negatively on body fat. This is a very important discovery, especially the U.S., where over the past three decades, the percentage of overweight children has doubled;

- Intake of calcium-rich dairy foods accelerate fat burning after eating. In the study of normal-weight women aged 18-30 years who underwent a diet, poor or rich in calcium, after one year, it was proven that those taking calcium-rich food burned 20 times more fat than not;

- Dairy foods protect against metabolic syndrome. With the inclusion of milk or other dairy products in our healthy way of eating, we may reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome by 62 percent. Enjoy a daily glass of milk and/or pot of yoghurt or cheese;

- The calcium contained in dairy foods protects us from cancer. Studies have shown that calcium provided by dairy products reduces the risk of breast cancer by 50%, and for women in the period before menopause - up to 74%. If you are allergic to cow's milk, you can try goat or sheep milk;

- Vitamin D, which is found in milk, helps to maintain proper calcium levels in the blood;

- Contained in cow's milk is vitamin K, which also takes care of our bones, delivering 12.2 percent of our daily need for vitamin K;

- Dairy foods are better than dietary supplements containing calcium for healthy bones in girls. Study of girls at puberty, whose bones are subjected to the stress of rapid growth, has shown that intake of dairy foods is much more effective than taking supplements containing calcium;

- Milk is a good source of protein and B vitamins, which takes care of protecting our cardiovascular health.

- Rich in vitamin A. When our levels of vitamin A are low, we are prone to infections, including ear problems, frequent colds, etc. Take one cup of cow's milk a day, we provide 10.0% of the daily value of vitamin A.

Dangers of cow's milk

Cow's milk is not recommended for people who suffer from lactose intolerance, or in the worst case - suffer from allergies. Cow's milk should not be consumed too often, lest you get an upset stomach. Be on the lookout for side effects to your body.


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