In autumn, you can surprise friends and family with delicious desserts with quinces. It is easy to make cake with quinces.
Ingredients: 3 eggs, 2 quinces, half a cup of flour, ½ cup sugar, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 piece tangerine peel.
Peel the quinces, cut out the core and cut into cubes. Cubes must be lightly steamed in the microwave, adding a little water. Leave for 5 minutes at high power.
The tangerine peel is cut into thin strips and mixed with the quince. The eggs, sugar, flour, and baking powder are added and then mixed.

Grease a bread pan with butter, the quince mixture is spread on top and the dough poured in. Bake in preheated 180 degree oven for about 30-40 minutes.
Quince jelly is delicious light dessert. Ingredients: about 1.5 kg ripe quinces, 500 g sugar, 1 packet gelatin, half a teaspoon of rum.
Thoroughly wash and wipe the quinces, to remove the pile layer. Cleared the center and the rest is cut and placed in a juicer.
The juice is left for an hour to allow the fruit mixture to settle to the bottom and then carefully pour the resulting juice. The mixture in the juicer is mixed with sugar and left overnight.
The resulting juice is mixed with the other juice, add gelatin, which was previously left to swell and grind it in a food processor at minimum speed, until the sugar has completely dissolved.

Quinces in vanilla syrup are an interesting dessert with unusual taste. Ingredients: 5 quinces, 250 g sugar, 500 ml water, 1 lemon, 1 Vanilla, 5 grains pepper. In a large, non-metallic pan put the vanilla, pepper, sugar, lemon juice and water. Leave on low heat until the sugar dissolves.
Cut quinces into quarters and clean the seeds. The pieces are placed in the simmering syrup and must be fully immersed in it. Cover with parchment and leave on the stove for about half an hour until the quinces are soft.
With a slotted spoon, put the pieces on a plate and the syrup left to simmer for 10 minutes until reduced to one-third of its original volume. Pour syrup on the pieces and serve warm or cold, topped with whipped cream.