Sunflower is a crop that we mainly associate with oil, but other products are also obtained from it, including sunflower flour. It has its place among food products, although it does not occupy the place that oil has.
The place of sunflower flour among other types of flour
In modern conditions of abundance of food, among the many types of flour and in competition of wheat flour, that which is obtained from sunflower has hardly found its reserved place. It is also overtaken by rye flour, corn flour, rice flour. More popular than it are coconut, sesame, almond.
And yet - sunflower flour has found a place among them because it is a high-quality protein product, a source of pure vegetable protein, indispensable for vegetarian nutrition, as well as for consumption by those who follow religious fasts.
Preparation and chemical composition of sunflower flour
Sunflower flour is a completely natural product obtained from grinded sunflower seeds, the seeds of which have been partially defatted beforehand.
Using the cold pressing method, they are ground into powder and turned into a raw material, a source of vegetable proteins. The color of high-quality flour is very close to that of the seed, or slightly darker. The flour is ground very finely, acquires a delicate taste, aroma of sunflower and softness.
As a result of sunflower oil processing, sunflower seed flour is obtained in the process of pressing the seeds using organic solvents. As a result, the residual oil in the sunflower meal after pressing is about 1.5-2%.
Sunflower flour also contains husks, but not more than 16 percent, but it is now possible to produce flour without any husks in it.
Although it is made from seeds that are partially defatted, the flour is not low in calories. Its chemical composition even surpasses that of wheat flour.
First among the elements is lysine. This essential amino acid prevents infections and viral attacks. It also promotes the absorption of calcium and the synthesis of hormones and enzymes.
Methionine is another amino acid in the composition, improving lipid metabolism and fat deposition in the liver.
The contained arginine stimulates blood circulation, and chlorogenic acid is anti-carcinogenic.
The excellent chemical composition is supplemented by B group vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C and PP, minerals calcium, zinc, selenium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and others.
A very important feature of this flour is that it is practically free of anti-nutritional substances.
Beneficial properties of sunflower flour

Pure product
This unique natural product contains no foreign impurities. It does not need colorings, preservatives or other substances to improve or preserve.
Sunflower flour is gluten-free
In addition, sunflower flour is a gluten-free product, making it suitable for consumption in a number of gluten-related illnesses and conditions.
Antiviral properties of sunflower flour
Dishes with this flour are considered a general remedy for strengthening the body during seasonal colds. Because of the dietary fiber in it, it is recommended as a detoxification food.
Benefits for the health of internal organs
This product is quickly and easily absorbed by the body and is suitable for illnesses of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and lungs, as well as for general weakness.
Benefits for heart health and heart function
The low content of saturated fat and at the same time high content of healthy fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids improve heart health and lower cholesterol.
Regulates blood sugar
Sunflower flour has a low glycemic index, which means it does not cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. This makes it a suitable food for diabetics and anyone who wants to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.
Contraindications for use and storage of sunflower flour
Although it has many useful substances, the use of sunflower flour has many contraindications for use. It is very high in calories. Therefore, those who count calories and look for only healthy low-calorie products should give it up. Overweight people should also not use it.
Sufferers of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be very careful with this flour because it is partially defatted and can cause problems for people with diseases of the liver, pancreas and bile.
Allergic reactions to it should also be anticipated.
The storage of the product becomes mandatory in cool and dry rooms, in the original packaging, so that it does not oxidize from the air. Its shelf life is up to 6 months.
Usage of sunflower flour in cooking

The application of the product in cooking is very wide. Muffins, bread, pancakes, sponge cake and homemade biscuits will become not only tastier, but also healthier with the addition of sunflower flour.
It should be known that the use of the product in its natural form is very rare. It is usually mixed in equal portions with wheat flour or other healthy ones. Baked products acquire a light and very spicy nutty flavor and a delicate ethereal texture.
Sunflower dough is used to make sweets with a unique taste. Halva is loved by children and adults, it can be added to sauces for fish and meat specialties.
A drink is also made from it, which is a real vitamin bomb. Flour is mixed with sugar and salt, warm water is poured and a nutritious drink is obtained, which can replace breakfast in the morning.
Sunflower flour as feed for animal feed
This product is very well known in animal husbandry. When used for feed in animal husbandry, it improves the quality of animal products. Cows increase milk yield, it is more oily.
It has a very good application in poultry farming. Small chickens are fed with such flour. When raising birds, it is recommended to choose flour with a minimum amount of flakes in it. The feed is for feeding fish.
For animals, as with humans, the daily dose for flour must be observed. Cows are given up to 3 kg of it per day, laying hens up to 35 g per day. In winter, this amount should not exceed 10 g. This flour is an excellent food supplement, but requires adherence to dosage prescriptions, because excessive use is harmful.
What to cook from sunflower flour

Sunflower flour pancakes
Products required:
300 g of sunflower flour
2 eggs
60 g of honey
3 g of salt
700 g low-fat milk 1%
50 g of sunflower oil
The eggs are beaten, the honey and salt are successively added, and then the milk. The sifted flour is added gradually. A spoonful of sunflower oil is poured into the pan to spread over the entire surface and then the batter is scooped with a ladle. About 3/4 of its capacity is needed for one pancake. The batter is spread out on the pan and baked until golden on both sides.
It can be made into rolls, muffins, homemade halva with sunflower flour and used for many other recipes - tasty and healthy.
Read more:
- Nutritional benefits of sunflower tahini;
- How to make sunflower tahini.