Bread, as paradoxical as it sounds, is one of the main problems in healthy human nutrition - which one to choose, which one will be healthy, etc. For centuries, baked goods have been produced according to traditional recipes based on the fermentation process caused thorough kneading or sourdough.
Most often, the kneaded dough was left in a warm place to rise. In warmer climates, the dough rises faster, while in colder climates, baking soda is used to speed up the process.
Baking bread without yeast is made from unleavened dough - without adding yeast. Bread made from naturally fermented dough cannot spoil for a very long time.
There are many benefits to baking yeast-free bread.
What is yeast-free bread?

For yourself, you must clearly understand the benefit of the natural fermentation under which the dough is prepared. Yeast, whether cultivated or wild, naturally ferments the sugars found in wheat, which are then broken down into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol, which ultimately causes baked goods to rise. Thanks to the activity of the bacteria, a natural fermentation occurs, which breaks down the main nutrients contained in the wheat and turns them into an easily digestible form. This process is also called pre-digestion.
The constant use of bakery products with this composition can increase the body's resistance, increase immunity, reduce susceptibility to ionizing radiation, sensitivity to the effects of exogenous factors and carcinogens. The processes associated with natural fermentation during baking can lead to the normalization of bowel function.
In addition, it counteracts the disruption of normal cell reproduction by provoking chaotic cell proliferation with further tumor formation. Therefore, baking bread without yeast contributes to the normalization of nutrients in the body.
Modern microbiologists note that it is the use of sourdough bread that causes the formation of healthy cells and prevents the appearance and development of any infectious processes, accelerating the development of healthy immunity from 3 to 15 times according to various data.

In the human stomach, natural yeasts are well acclimatized and help to increase the levels of vitamin B in the body. Therefore, we can say that yeast-free bread is practically without flaws. Baking yeast-free bread from rye flour requires the presence of lactobacilli, which give the baked product a sour taste and a pleasant pronounced aroma.
Such a bread product is extremely valuable. After all, the lactobacilli contained in it are vital for the normalization of the intestines.
After baking in bread, lactobacilli spores can remain for several days, but it is still recommended to use freshly baked ones.
Lactobacilli are very delicate and when they enter the human stomach in small quantities, they trigger beneficial processes in the body. It is also very tasty if consumed from fermented milk products or vegetable products.
See more delicious and fluffy suggestions for Rustic Bread or Bread in a Bread Machine.