Have you started working out and want to get the fastest and most effective results possible? Great! You probably know that proper pre-workout nutrition is extremely important to your performance, but did you know that post-workout nutrition has just as much of an impact? Today we're going to give you some tips on what to eat after a workout to get the results you want fast.
When you exercise, the body depletes its glycogen resources and the proteins in the muscles are broken down. The main goal of the body after exercise is to restore its condition, but this process includes the consumption of nutrients. Of greatest importance to the body after working out is the intake of proteins, as well as the combination of simple and complex carbohydrates.
The truth is that after a workout it's good to eat protein as well as carbs and fat, because each macronutrient helps the body in a different way in the recovery process.
Protein rebuilds and builds muscle tissue
Ingesting protein post-workout gives the body the amino acids it needs to repair muscle protein breakdown. The recommended protein intake per day is 0.3-0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight, immediately after working out.
Foods that are sources of protein and suitable for post-workout are any type of fish and meat, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and protein powder.
Carbohydrates restore
Glycogen plays the role of fuel in the body, and when its reserves are depleted, they must be replenished. Carbohydrates help to do exactly that - to restore glycogen reserves. The recommended intake is 1.1-1.5 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight, approximately 30 minutes after working out.
Foods that are sources of carbohydrates are rice, potatoes, quinoa, oats, white and brown rice, pasta, and all dark green leafy vegetables.

What can we say about fat after working out?
It's no secret that fat consumption after exercise can slow down digestion as well as the absorption process of nutrients, but a number of studies have shown that small amounts of dietary fat will not affect muscle glycogen synthesis and not would prevent recovery. Many athletes rely on both protein and carbohydrates as well as fat after working out.
Foods that are good sources of fat and good to eat in small amounts after a workout are egg yolks, raw nuts, avocados, peanuts and almond milk.
You can combine macronutrients in different ways. Suitable combinations are for example:
1. Chicken with vegetables and rice;
2. Protein powder with almond or peanut butter;
3. Tuna with rice and vegetables;
4. Salmon with sweet potatoes and salad;
5. Omelette with predominant egg whites, boiled potatoes and salad.
In order to restore glycogen in the body and protein in the muscles quickly and successfully, you need to take these three macronutrients. Follow our advice on what to eat after working out and enjoy fast and effective results.
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