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Milk Allergy - Symptoms and Tips

Nadia Galinova
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Nadia Galinova
Milk Allergy

If we have to define this kind of allergy, then allergy to milk is expressed in an abnormal immune response to milk and dairy products. It is considered one of the most common allergies in children. The allergy refers not only to cow's milk, but can occur to sheep's, goat's, buffalo's and other mammals' milk.

Milk allergy is a condition in which the immune system incorrectly recognizes some of the proteins in food as harmful. The body launches a series of protective measures, releasing histamine, which causes inflammation. Even a small amount of milk causes an allergic reaction.

The reaction occurs quickly after the consumption of milk. Symptoms range from very mild to significant. These manifest as wheezing, vomiting, hives, digestive problems, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, shortness of breath or coughing. It can also cause anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening condition.

True milk allergy is different from intolerance to this animal product. Lactose intolerance has a different treatment. Usually the symptoms there are related to the digestive tract - bloating, gas, diarrhea.

Children who are allergic to milk also develop other food allergies - to eggs, soy, peanuts and even beef.

Which are the allergens to watch out for?

There is no sure way to prevent food allergies. The reaction can be prevented if this food is avoided. This applies to milk and milk products.

Milk Allergy - Symptoms and Tips

Product labels should be carefully read and checked to see if they contain milk or milk products, as well as warning about this allergy in more unfamiliar environments - restaurants, public places with a kitchen and similar opportunities.

A diet deprived of milk should be readjusted with a doctor or nutritionist so that the body does not suffer from the deprivation of dairy products. This means that supplements containing calcium can be included, as the bone system will be seriously affected due to the lack of calcium, which we get mainly from dairy products.

Vitamin D and riboflavin must also be obtained from other sources due to dairy deprivation.

If you have a milk allergy, check out some ideas for:

- dairy-free sponge cake;

- dairy-free pancakes;

- dairy-free muffins.



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