»Articles»Useful Advice»The Beneficial Properties of Green Beans

The Beneficial Properties of Green Beans

Maria SimovaMaria Simova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
The Beneficial Properties of Green Beans

Green beans are an useful storehouse of vitamins A, C, E, B, as well as trace elements - magnesium, folic acid, iron, calcium, chromium. The uniqueness of green beans is that they do not absorb all toxic substances from the environment.

This type of bean, actively helps to improve the hormonal background, this is due to the presence of vitamins C, A, E. It should be introduced from time to time in the diet of adolescents, pregnant women, women during menopause in order to moderate the "hormonal storms" in the body.

Green beans have many useful properties. They copes well with anemia. Green beans improve the function of the kidneys, liver, respiratory organs, stomach and all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

Green beans are a non-caloric and dietary product and are also widely used in cooking. Green bean side dishes are a very popular choice for a variety of dishes. Green bean dishes are not caloric, but dietary. For this reason green beans are present in many diets as a product, which helps in the fight against excess weight.

Green beans are an indispensable medicine for patients with diabetes. The fact is that green bean pods lower blood sugar levels, which allows you to reduce the dose of insulin or other diabetes medications.

Green beans contain the insulin-like substance arginine, which lowers blood sugar levels. They have a particularly strong action in reducing the amount of sugar in the blood in diabetics, there is a decoction of green bean pods with blueberry leaves, which half a cup is taken of before meals.

They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system - a person becomes calmer.

Green Bean Garnish

Regular consumption of green beans is an excellent prevention of tooth tartar as well as bacterial infections.

In case of tuberculosis, the regular consumption of green beans in food contributes to the rapid recovery.

In cardiovascular diseases green beans are medicine: they actively oppose the processes of tissue aging, cholesterol formation, the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension and heart rhythm disorders.

Zinc in the composition of green beans regulates carbohydrate metabolism, helps to overcome obesity and disorders of lipid metabolism.

The copper in the composition of green beans stimulates the synthesis of hemoglobin and adrenaline.

If you often eat green beans, then you cannot go without a diet: your weight will return to normal over time, thanks to the active work of the beans to normalize carbohydrate metabolism.

The beans oppose the formation of adenoma in men, restore urogenital function and potency.

Green Beans

Small kidney stones can be dissolved with the help of regularly consumed green beans. Green beans have a diuretic effect, remove excess salts from the body and therefore green beans are a very desirable dish for gout and urolithiasis.

The gall bladder, under the influence of substances from green beans, is also cleared from stones. This type of beans are recommended for hepatitis and other liver diseases, as they actively remove inflammation and restore normal tissue functions.

If the green beans are canned or frozen, they fully retain all their beneficial properties.

Green beans are grown almost everywhere, they are increasingly gaining popularity as a valuable and dietary food product with unique medicinal and nutritional properties. They have a lot of starch, proteins that build and nourish tissue cells.

Green beans contain antibiotic substances that lower blood sugar levels. In patients with diabetes, the decoction of ripe green bean pods is especially useful.

Infusions of green bean pods are drunk for diseases of the bladder, kidneys, hypertension, gout and rheumatism. The ripe beans of each green bean pod are grinded and wounds and burns are sprinkled with this flour for rapid regeneration of the epidermis.

To benefit from all the beneficial properties of green beans, eat Green Bean Stew, Green Bean Soup and Green Bean Salad more often.
