Plums are rich in minerals, vitamins and other important substances for the body. One hundred grams of plums contain 30 calories, which makes them suitable for people who want to lose weight.
Plums are rich in protein, carbohydrates, fiber, organic acids, copper, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium, zinc, iodine and many vitamins - A, B1, B2, B6, PP, C and E. Plums contain many substances that lower blood pressure and strengthen the blood vessels. They are one of the most delicious and juicy fruit. They can be confidently be compared with melons, watermelons, grapes.
Fresh plums and prunes, as well as plum juice and compote, have a mild laxative effect and are recommended for lazy bowels and constipation. Plums help get rid of bad cholesterol from the body.
Plums are recommended for hypertension and kidney problems. Plums contain potassium compounds, which have a diuretic effect and help get rid of excess water and salts.
The beneficial properties of plums are activated in metabolic diseases. Potassium, which is contained in plums, helps our muscles and heart to work better.
Plums are recommended to increase the secretion of the gastric juice and to increase the appetite. Delicious blueberries are also very good for atherosclerosis. Plums contain coumarins - substances that have the ability to protect blood vessels from blood clots. Coumarins also help treat thrombosis and have a vasodilating effect.
Plums are easily absorbed by the body, they help to form blood cells, cleanse the stomach and are indispensable in biliary diseases.
Plums strengthen the liver, help purify the blood and excrete toxins from the body. Plums help reduce the fever.
Plums are not recommended for diabetes, gout and rheumatism. These fruit can be given to young children, but in moderation, as they can cause stomach pain and stomach problems.
Plums have energizing properties, drive away fatigue and stress, but also help to improve the bowel function. That's why you should eat plums more often.
The most important benefits of plums

Plums are good for iron deficiency anemia
Plums contain small amounts of assimilable organic iron and regular consumption of plums helps to easily absorb iron from other foods. For the absorption of iron, drugs are recommended for a month, with at least 10.5 oz (300 g) of plums a day before the main meal.
Plums stimulate the memory
Daily consumption of plums, at least three plums a day, helps eliminate damaged cells, which affect concentration and attention. Due to its rich content of antioxidants, plums are a natural helper for improving memory. Eating plums prevents heart disease.
Because they are low in fat and do not contain saturated fat, plums do not pose a risk to the heart. Eating plums does not raise cholesterol and automatically reduces the risk of heart attack. Plums are rich in vitamin C. Plums are a rich source of vitamin C. Each fruit contains about 7% of the recommended daily intake.
Improve vision
As a rich source of vitamin A and beta-carotene, plums help improve vision and can prevent macular degeneration.
Protect the intestinal tract
Benefits of plums - a series of useful compounds of plums help regulate the digestive system and this way improve diseases of the intestinal tract.
Beneficial for bone diseases

Plums contain 8% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A and this helps to restore and grow bones. Regular consumption of plums gives you the source of energy you need to recover faster from a stroke or accident.
Plums are recommended for the prevention of cancerous tumors. Due to the high content of malic acid, but also the low content of citric acid, plums have intense anti-tumor properties and are the most recommended fruit for cancer prevention.
As it turns out, eating plums has many benefits. If they are not your favorite, or you just do not know how to introduce them more intensively in your menu, you should know that plums are great for recipes such as:
- Plum jam;
- Sweet salami;
- Fruit tart.
Diet with plums
As already mentioned, plums have a laxative effect. They are also present in many diets for fast weight loss. We will now introduce you to it. The plum diet is recommended for those who want to enjoy the taste and benefits of these seasonal fruit. The fast three-day diet is preferred by people who do not want to follow a long diet, but want to get rid of the extra pounds.
Breakfast: Coffee, 1 rusk, 1.8 oz (50 g) cheese, 3 plums
Lunch: 5.3 oz (150 g) roasted turkey, 4 plums
Afternoon snack: 3 plums
Dinner: Omelette with 2 egg whites and 3 plums.

This menu is repeated on all three days. If you feel unwell during the diet, stop it. Also remember that the heavier you are, the more you will lose in 3 days. But everyone is different.
The following is recommended for the fast diet:
- Avoid eating processed foods high in fat, sauces and - spices that add more calories;
- Eat more fruit and vegetables;
- Eat only lean meat or lean fish;
- Eat low-fat dairy products;
- Try to eat carbs on a main meal only during the day, not at night;
- The recommended butter for one day is two tablespoons;
- It is very important to drink 1, 5 to 2 liters of water a day to achieve the right level of hydration and this helps us get rid of toxins.