Crunchy pickles are a favorite of people of all ages. To get really crunchy pickles, wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar is usually used, as they have a milder taste and emphasize the aroma of the pickles. The choice of vinegar is an important condition for good final results.
Wine vinegar can be white or red. The most commonly used for marinades is red, it creates a more classic taste.
Apple cider vinegar is also ideal for a slightly sweet and fruity-sour taste of the pickles.
The standard acidity of pickling vinegar is 5-6%. This acidity percentage helps with proper preservation and crunchiness of the pickles.
In addition to vinegar, to get crunchy pickles, other components are added.
Salt for preservation, preferably non-iodized, and sugar.
You can also add oak, cherry or blackcurrant leaves – they contain tannins that keep the pickles crunchy.
It is also important that the pickles are fresh and firm, and that the brine completely covers the vegetables.
Check out how much salt to add to pickles and learn how much time to boil pickles for.